Esdras 1

1 Y en el primer año de Ciro rey de Persia, para que se cumpliese la palabra del SEÑOR dicha por boca de Jeremías, despertó el SEÑOR el espíritu de Ciro rey de Persia, el cual hizo pasar pregón por todo su reino, y también por escrito, diciendo:
2 Así dijo Ciro rey de Persia: El SEÑOR Dios de los cielos me ha dado todos los reinos de la tierra, y me ha mandado que le edifique Casa en Jerusalén, que está en Judá.
3 ¿Quién hay entre vosotros de todo su pueblo? Sea Dios con él, y suba a Jerusalén que está en Judá, y edifique la Casa al SEÑOR Dios de Israel (él es Dios), la cual está en Jerusalén.
4 Y a cualquiera que hubiere quedado de todos los lugares donde fuere extranjero, los varones de su lugar le ayuden con plata, y oro, y hacienda, y con bestias; con dones voluntarios para la Casa de Dios, la cuál está en Jerusalén.
5 Entonces se levantaron los cabezas de las familias de Judá y de Benjamín, y los sacerdotes y levitas; de todos aquellos cuyo espíritu despertó Dios para subir a edificar la Casa del SEÑOR, la cual está en Jerusalén.
6 Y todos los que estaban en sus alrededores confortaron las manos de ellos con vasos de plata y de oro, con hacienda y bestias, y con cosas preciosas, a más de lo que se ofreció voluntariamente.
7 Y el rey Ciro sacó los vasos de la Casa del SEÑOR, que Nabucodonosor había traspasado de Jerusalén, y puesto en la casa de su dios.
8 Los sacó, pues , Ciro rey de Persia, por mano de Mitrídates tesorero, el cual los dio por cuenta a Sesbasar príncipe de Judá.
9 Y ésta es la cuenta de ellos: treinta tazones de oro, mil tazones de plata, veintinueve cuchillos,
10 treinta tazas de oro, otras cuatrocientas diez tazas de plata, y otros mil vasos.
11 Todos los vasos de oro y de plata, cinco mil cuatrocientos. Todos los hizo llevar Sesbasar con los que subieron del cautiverio de Babilonia a Jerusalén.

Esdras 1 Commentary

Chapter 1

The history of this book is the accomplishment of Jeremiah's prophecy concerning the return of the Jews out of Babylon. From its contents we especially learn, that every good work will meet with opposition from enemies, and be hurt by the misconduct of friends; but that God will make his cause to prevail, notwithstanding all obstacles and adversaries. The restoration of the Jews was an event of the highest consequence, tending to preserve religion in the world, and preparing the way for the appearance of the Great Deliverer, the Lord Jesus Christ.

The proclamation of Cyrus for the rebuilding of the temple. (1-4) The people provide for their return. (5-11)

Verses 1-4 The Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus. The hearts of kings are in the hand of the Lord. God governs the world by his influence on the spirits of men; whatever good they do, God stirs up their spirits to do it. It was during the captivity of the Jews, that God principally employed them as the means of calling the attention of the heathen to him. Cyrus took it for granted, that those among the Jews who were able, would offer free-will offerings for the house of God. He would also have them supplied out of his kingdom. Well-wishers to the temple should be well-doers for it.

Verses 5-11 The same God that raised up the spirit of Cyrus to proclaim liberty to the Jews, raised up their spirits to take the benefit. The temptation was to some to stay in Babylon; but some feared not to return, and they were those whose spirits God raised, by his Spirit and grace. Whatever good we do, is owing to the grace of God. Our spirits naturally bow down to this earth and the things of it; if they move upward in any good affections or good actions, it is God who raises them. The calls and offers of the gospel are like the proclamation of Cyrus. Those bound under the power of sin, may be made free by Jesus Christ. Whosoever will, by repentance and faith, return to God, Jesus Christ has opened the way for him, and raises him out of the slavery of sin into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Many that hear this joyful sound, choose to sit still in Babylon, are in love with their sins, and will not venture upon a holy life; but some break through all discouragements, whatever it cost them; they are those whose spirit God has raised above the world and the flesh, whom he has made willing. Thus will the heavenly Canaan be filled, though many perish in Babylon; and the gospel offer will not have been made in vain. The bringing back the Jews from captivity, represents the redemption of sinners by Jesus Christ.

Chapter Summary


This book, in the Vulgate Latin and Arabic versions, is called the "First" Book of Ezra, Nehemiah being reckoned the "second"; but with the Jews both were accounted but one book {a}; in the Syriac version, it is called the Writing or Book of Ezra the Prophet; and this title is given him, both by Jews {b} and Christians {c}; in the Arabic version, it is called the First Book of Ezra the Priest, skilful in the Law; and that he was a priest is clear, since he was the son of Seraiah the high priest, who was slain by Nebuchadnezzar, and the younger brother of Josedech, who succeeded his father as high priest, and uncle to Joshua that succeeded him; and he was also a ready scribe in the law of Moses, see Ezr 7:1,6,10-12. That Ezra was the writer of this book is believed by the Jews {d}, and by the generality of Christians; only Huetius {e} thinks that the six first chapters were written by another hand, but his reasons are not satisfactory; and it has been universally received as canonical by all; it agrees with the prophecies of Haggai and Zechariah, and serves to illustrate them; it is of use for the continuation of the sacred history, to point at the fulfilment of prophecies concerning the return of the Jews from captivity, and the rebuilding of the temple; and to give us an account of the state of the church in those times, the troubles and difficulties it met with, and what care was taken to keep the tribes and families distinct, that it might be known from whom the Messiah sprung; this book contains an history of seventy years, according to the calculation of Bishop Usher {f}, from A. M. 3468, to A. M. 3538.

{a} Origen apud Euseb. Hist. Eccl. l. 6. c. 25. Hieron. Opera, tom. 3. Epist. ad Paulin. fol. 6. B. & ad Domnion. & Rogat. fol. 7. G. {b} Seder Olam Zuta, p. 108. {c} Lactant. Institut. l. 4. c. 11. {d} T. Bab. Bava Bathra, fol. 15. 1. {e} Demonstr. Evangel. prop. 4. p. 208, 209. {f} Annal. Vet. Test. p. 146, 193.


This chapter informs us of the proclamation of Cyrus king of Persia, for the Jews to return to their own country, and rebuild their temple, Ezr 1:1-4, and that, upon it, the chief of them rose up for that purpose, whose hands were strengthened and supplied by those about them, Ezr 1:5,6 and particularly by Cyrus, who gave orders that the vessels belonging to the temple should be delivered to them, Ezr 1:7-11.

Esdras 1 Commentaries
