Proverbios 17

1 Mejor es un bocado seco, y en paz, que la casa de contienda llena de sacrificios de fiesta .
2 El siervo prudente se enseñoreará del hijo que deshonra, y entre los hermanos compartirá la herencia.
3 El crisol para la plata, y la hornaza para el oro; mas el SEÑOR prueba los corazones.
4 El malo está atento al labio inicuo; y el mentiroso escucha a la lengua maldiciente.
5 El que escarnece al pobre, afrenta a su Hacedor; y el que se alegra en la calamidad ajena , no quedará sin castigo.
6 Corona de los viejos son los hijos de los hijos; y la honra de los hijos, sus padres.
7 No conviene al loco la altilocuencia; ¡cuánto menos al príncipe el labio mentiroso!
8 Piedra preciosa es el cohecho en ojos de sus dueños; a donde quiera que se vuelve, da prosperidad.
9 El que cubre la prevaricación, busca el amor; mas el que reitera el asunto, aparta los amigos.
10 Aprovecha la reprensión en el entendido, más que cien azotes en el loco.
11 El rebelde no busca sino mal; y mensajero cruel será enviado contra él.
12 Mejor es que se encuentre un hombre con una osa a la cual han robado sus cachorros, que con un loco en su locura.
13 El que da mal por bien, no se apartará el mal de su casa.
14 Soltar las aguas (hablar precipitadamente ) es el principio de la contienda; pues, antes que se revuelva el pleito, déjalo.
15 El que justifica al impío, y el que condena al justo, ambos por igual son abominación al SEÑOR.
16 ¿De qué sirve el precio en la mano del loco para comprar sabiduría, no teniendo corazón para entender ?
17 En todo tiempo ama el amigo; mas el hermano para la angustia es nacido.
18 El hombre falto de entendimiento toca la mano, fiando a otro delante de su amigo.
19 La prevaricación ama el que ama pleito; y el que alza su portada, quebrantamiento busca.
20 El perverso de corazón nunca hallará bien; y el que revuelve con su lengua, caerá en mal.
21 El que engendra al loco, para su tristeza lo engendra ; y el padre del loco no se alegrará.
22 El corazón alegre hará bien como una medicina; mas el espíritu triste seca los huesos.
23 El impío toma dádiva en secreto para pervertir las veredas del derecho.
24 En el rostro del entendido aparece la sabiduría; mas los ojos del loco manifiestan su locura hasta el cabo de la tierra.
25 El hijo loco es enojo a su padre, y amargura a la que lo engendró.
26 Ciertamente no es bueno condenar al justo, ni herir a los príncipes por hacer lo recto.
27 El que detiene sus palabras tiene sabiduría; y de espíritu valioso es el hombre entendido.
28 Aun el loco cuando calla, es contado por sabio; el que cierra sus labios es entendido.

Images for Proverbios 17

Proverbios 17 Commentary

Chapter 17

Verse 1 These words recommend family love and peace, as needful for the comfort of human life. Verse 2 . The wise servant is more deserving, and more likely to appear one of the family, than a profligate son. Verse 3 . God tries the heart by affliction. He thus has often shown the sin remaining in the heart of the believer. Verse 4 . Flatterers, especially false teachers, are welcome to those that live in sin. Verse 5 . Those that laugh at poverty, treat God's providence and precepts with contempt. Verse 6 . It is an honour to children to have wise and godly parents continued to them, even after they are grown up and settled in the world. Verse 7 . A fool, in Solomon's Proverbs, signifies a wicked man, whom excellent speech does not become, because his conversation contradicts it. Verse 8 . Those who set their hearts upon money, will do any thing for it. What influence should the gifts of God have on our hearts! Verse 9 . The way to preserve peace is to make the best of every thing; not to notice what has been said or done against ourselves. Verse 10 . A gentle reproof will enter, not only into the head, but into the heart of a wise man. Verse 11 . Satan, and the messengers of Satan, shall be let loose upon an evil man. Verse 12 . Let us watch over our own passions, and avoid the company of furious men. Verse 13 . To render evil for good is devilish. He that does so, brings a curse upon his family. Verse 14 . What danger there is in the beginning of strife! Resist its earliest display; and leave it off, if it were possible, before you begin. Verse 15 . It is an offence to God to acquit the guilty, or to condemn those who are not guilty. Verse 16 . Man's neglect of God's favour and his own interest is very absurd. Verse 17 . No change of outward circumstances should abate our affection for our friends or relatives. But no friend, except Christ, deserves unlimited confidence. In Him this text did receive, and still receives its most glorious fulfilment. Verse 18 . Let not any wrong their families. Yet Christ's becoming Surety for men, was a glorious display of Divine wisdom; for he was able to discharge the bond. Verse 19 . If we would keep a clear conscience and a quiet mind, we must shun all excitements to anger. And a man who affects a style of living above his means, goes the way to ruin. Verse 20 . There is nothing got by ill designs. And many have paid dear for an unbridled tongue. Verse 21 . This speaks very plainly what many wise and good men feel very strongly, how grievous it is to have a foolish, wicked child. Verse 22 . It is great mercy that God gives us leave to be cheerful, and cause to be cheerful, if by his grace he gives us hearts to be cheerful. Verse 23 . The wicked are ready to part with their money, though loved, that they may not suffer for their crimes. Verse 24 . The prudent man keeps the word of God continually in view. But the foolish man cannot fix his thoughts, nor pursue any purpose with steadiness. Verse 25 . Wicked children despise the authority of their father, and the tenderness of their mother. Verse 26 . It is very wrong to find fault ( proverbs 17:27-28 ) wise man, by the good temper of his mind, and by the good government of his tongue. He is careful when he does speak, to speak to the purpose. God knows his heart, and the folly that is bound there; therefore he cannot be deceived in his judgment as men may be.

Chapter Summary


This chapter gives an account of some buildings of Solomon for himself, 1Ki 7:1-12; and of other things for the use of the temple; of two pillars of brass, 1Ki 7:13-22; of the molten sea, 1Ki 7:23-26; and of ten bases, and ten layers on them, 1Ki 7:27-39; with other utensils and ornaments, 1Ki 7:40-51.

Proverbios 17 Commentaries
