Luke 9

1 Then called he the .xii. to gether and gave them power and auctorite over all devyls and that they myght heale diseases.
2 And he sent them to preache the kyngdome of God and to cure the sick.
3 And he sayd to them: Take nothinge to sucker you by ye waye: nether staffe nor scripe nether breed nether money nether have twoo cootes.
4 And whatsoever housse ye enter into there abyde and thence departe.
5 And whosoever will not receave you when ye go out of that cite shake of the very dust from youre fete for a testimony agaynst them.
6 And they went out and went thorow the tounes preachinge the gospell and healynge every wheare.
7 And Herod the tetrarch herde of all that was done of him and douted because that it was sayde of some that Iohn was rysen agayne from deeth:
8 and of some that Helyas had apered: and of other that one of the olde prophetes was rysen agayne.
9 And Herod sayde: Iohn have I behedded: who then is this of whom I heare suche thinges? And he desyred to se him.
10 And the Apostles retourned and tolde him what great thinges they had done. And he toke them and went a syde into a solitary place nye to a citie called Bethsaida.
11 And ye people knewe of it and folowed him. And he receaved them and spake vnto them of the kyngdome of God and healed them that had nede to be healed.
12 And when ye daye beganne to weare awaye then came the twelve and sayde vnto him: sende ye people awaye that they maye goo into the tounes and villages roundabout and lodge and get meate for we are here in a place of wyldernes.
13 But he sayde vnto them: Geve ye the to eate. And they sayde. We have no moo but fyve loves and two fisshes except we shuld goo and bye meate for all this people.
14 And they were about a fyve thousand men. And he sayde to his disciples: Cause them to syt doune by fyfties in a company.
15 And they dyd soo and made them all syt doune.
16 And he toke the fyve loves and the two fisshes and loked vp to heven and blessed them and brake and gave to the disciples to set before ye people.
17 And they ate and were all satisfied. And ther was taken vp of that remayned to the twelve baskettes full of broken meate.
18 And it fortuned as he was alone prayinge his disciples were wt him and he axed the sayinge: Who saye ye people yt I am?
19 They answered and sayd: Iohn Baptist. Some saye Helyas. And some saye one of the olde prophetes is rysen agayne.
20 He sayde vnto the: Who saye ye that I am? Peter answered and sayde: thou arte the Christ of god.
21 And he warned and commaunded them that they shuld tell no man yt thinge
22 sayinge: that the sonne of man must suffre many thinges and be reproved of the elders and of the hye prestes and scribes and be slayne and the thirde daye ryse agayne.
23 And he sayde to them all yf eny man will come after me let him denye him sylfe and take vp his crosse dayly and folowe me.
24 Whosoever will save his lyfe shall lose it. And who soever shall lose his lyfe for my sake the same shall save it.
25 For what avauntageth it a man to wynne the whole worlde yf he loose him sylfe or runne in domage of him sylfe?
26 For whosoever is ashamed of me and of my sayinges: of him shall the sonne of man be ashamed when he cometh in his awne glorie and in the glorie of his father and of the holy angels.
27 And I tell you of a surety: There be some of the yt stonde here which shall not tast of deeth tyll they se ye kyngdome of god.
28 And it folowed about an .viii. dayes after thoose sayinges that he toke Peter Iames and Iohn and went vp into a moutayne to praye.
29 And as he prayed ye facion of his countenaunce was changed and his garment was whyte and shoone.
30 And beholde two men talked wt him and they were Moses and Helyas
31 which appered gloriously and spake of his departinge which he shuld ende at Ierusalem.
32 Peter and they that were with him were hevy with slepe. And when they woke they sawe his glorie and two men stondinge with him.
33 And it chaunsed as they departed fro him Peter sayde vnto Iesus: Master it is good beinge here for vs. Let vs make thre tabernacles one for the and one for Moses and one for Helyas: and wist not what he sayde.
34 Whyll he thus spake ther came a cloude and shadowed them: and they feared when they were come vnder the cloude.
35 And ther came a voyce out of the cloude sayinge: This is my deare sonne heare him.
36 And assone as ye voyce was past Iesus was founde alone. And they kept it cloose and tolde noo man in thoose dayes eny of those thinges which they had sene.
37 And it chaunsed on the nexte daye as they came doune from the hyll moche people met him.
38 And beholde a man of the copany cryed out sayinge: Master I beseche ye beholde my sonne for he is all that I have:
39 and se a sprete taketh him and sodenly he cryeth and he teareth him that he fometh agayne and with moche payne departeth fro him when he hath rent him and
40 I besought thy disciples to cast him out and they coulde not.
41 Iesus answered and sayde: O generacion with oute fayth and croked: how longe shall I be with you? and shall suffre you? Bringe thy sonne hidder.
42 As he yet was a cominge the fende ret him and tare him. And Iesus rebuked ye vnclene sprete and healed the childe and delivered him to his father.
43 And they were all amased at ye mighty power of God.Whyll they wondred every one at all thinges which he dyd he sayd vnto his disciples:
44 Let these sayinges synke doune into youre eares. The tyme will come when the sonne of man shalbe delivered into the hondes of men.
45 But they wist not what yt worde meant and yt was hyd fro the that they vnderstode yt not. And they feared to axe him of that sayinge.
46 Then ther arose a disputacion amoge the: who shuld be the greatest.
47 When Iesus perceaved ye thoughtes of their hertes he toke a chylde and set him hard by him
48 and sayd vnto the: Whosoever receaveth this chylde in my name receaveth me. And whosoever receaveth me receaveth him yt sent me. For he yt is least amonge you all the same shalbe greate.
49 And Iohn answered and sayde: Master we sawe one castinge out devyls in thy name and we forbade him because he foloweth not with vs.
50 And Iesus sayde vnto him: forbyd ye him not. For he that is not agaynst vs is wt vs.
51 And it folowed when the tyme was come yt he shulde be receaved vp then he set his face to goo to Hierusalem
52 and sent messengers before him. And they went and entred into a citie of the Samaritans to make redy for him.
53 But they wolde not receave him be cause his face was as though he wolde goo to Ierusalem.
54 When his disciples Iames and Iohn sawe yt they sayde: Lorde wilt thou that we comaunde that fyre come doune from heven and consume them even as Helias dyd?
55 Iesus turned about and rebuked them sayinge: ye wote not what maner sprete ye are of.
56 The sonne of ma ys not come to destroye mennes lives but to save them. And they went to another toune.
57 And it chaunsed as he went in the waye a certayne man sayd vnto him: I will folowe the whither soever thou goo.
58 Iesus sayd vnto him: foxes have holes and bryddes of ye ayer have nestes: but the sonne of man hath not where on to laye his heed.
59 And he sayde vnto another: folowe me. And the same sayde: Lorde suffre me fyrst to goo and bury my father.
60 Iesus sayd vnto him: Let the deed bury their deed: but goo thou and preache the kyngdome of God.
61 And another sayde: I wyll folowe the Lorde: but let me fyrst goo byd them fare well which are at home at my housse.
62 Iesus sayde vnto him: No man that putteth his honde to the plowe and loketh backe is apte to the kyngdome of God.

Luke 9 Commentary

Chapter 9

The apostles sent forth. (1-9) The multitude miraculously fed. (10-17) Peter's testimony to Christ, Self-denial enjoined. (18-27) The transfiguration. (28-36) An evil spirit cast out. (37-42) Christ checks the ambition of his disciples. (43-50) He reproves their mistaken zeal. (51-56) Every thing to be given up for Christ. (57-62)

Verses 1-9 Christ sent his twelve disciples abroad, who by this time were able to teach others what they had received from the Lord. They must not be anxious to commend themselves to people's esteem by outward appearance. They must go as they were. The Lord Jesus is the fountain of power and authority, to whom all creatures must, in one way or another, be subject; and if he goes with the word of his ministers in power, to deliver sinners from Satan's bondage, they may be sure that he will care for their wants. When truth and love thus go together, and yet the message of God is rejected and despised, it leaves men without excuse, and turns to a testimony against them. Herod's guilty conscience was ready to conclude that John was risen from the dead. He desired to see Jesus; and why did he not go and see him? Probably, because he thought it below him, or because he wished not to have any more reprovers of sin. Delaying it now, his heart was hardened, and when he did see Jesus, he was as much prejudiced against him as others, ( Luke 23:11 ) .

Verses 10-17 The people followed Jesus, and though they came unseasonably, yet he gave them what they came for. He spake unto them of the kingdom of God. He healed those who had need of healing. And with five loaves of bread and two fishes, Christ fed five thousand men. He will not see those that fear him, and serve him faithfully, want any good thing. When we receive creature-comforts, we must acknowledge that we receive them from God, and that we are unworthy to receive them; that we owe them all, and all the comfort we have in them, to the mediation of Christ, by whom the curse is taken away. The blessing of Christ will make a little go a great way. He fills every hungry soul, abundantly satisfies it with the goodness of his house. Here were fragments taken up: in our Father's house there is bread enough, and to spare. We are not straitened, nor stinted in Christ.

Verses 18-27 It is an unspeakable comfort that our Lord Jesus is God's Anointed; this signifies that he was both appointed to be the Messiah, and qualified for it. Jesus discourses concerning his own sufferings and death. And so far must his disciples be from thinking how to prevent his sufferings, that they must prepare for their own. We often meet with crosses in the way of duty; and though we must not pull them upon our own heads, yet, when they are laid for us, we must take them up, and carry them after Christ. It is well or ill with us, according as it is well or ill with our souls. The body cannot be happy, if the soul be miserable in the other world; but the soul may be happy, though the body is greatly afflicted and oppressed in this world. We must never be ashamed of Christ and his gospel.

Verses 28-36 Christ's transfiguration was a specimen of that glory in which he will come to judge the world; and was an encouragement to his disciples to suffer for him. Prayer is a transfiguring, transforming duty, which makes the face to shine. Our Lord Jesus, even in his transfiguration, was willing to speak concerning his death and sufferings. In our greatest glories on earth, let us remember that in this world we have no continuing city. What need we have to pray to God for quickening grace, to make us lively! Yet that the disciples might be witnesses of this sign from heaven, after awhile they became awake, so that they were able to give a full account of what passed. But those know not what they say, that talk of making tabernacles on earth for glorified saints in heaven.

Verses 37-42 How deplorable the case of this child! He was under the power of an evil spirit. Disease of that nature are more frightful than such as arise merely from natural causes. What mischief Satan does where he gets possession! But happy those that have access to Christ! He can do that for us which his disciples cannot. A word from Christ healed the child; and when our children recover from sickness, it is comfortable to receive them as healed by the hand of Christ.

Verses 43-50 This prediction of Christ's sufferings was plain enough, but the disciples would not understand it, because it agreed not with their notions. A little child is the emblem by which Christ teaches us simplicity and humility. What greater honour can any man attain to in this world, than to be received by men as a messenger of God and Christ; and to have God and Christ own themselves received and welcomed in him! If ever any society of Christians in this world, had reason to silence those not of their own communion, the twelve disciples at this time had; yet Christ warned them not to do the like again. Those may be found faithful followers of Christ, and may be accepted of him, who do not follow with us.

Verses 51-56 The disciples did not consider that the conduct of the Samaritans was rather the effect of national prejudices and bigotry, than of enmity to the word and worship of God; and through they refused to receive Christ and his disciples, they did not ill use or injure them, so that the case was widely different from that of Ahaziah and Elijah. Nor were they aware that the gospel dispensation was to be marked by miracles of mercy. But above all, they were ignorant of the prevailing motives of their own hearts, which were pride and carnal ambition. Of this our Lord warned them. It is easy for us to say, Come, see our zeal for the Lord! and to think we are very faithful in his cause, when we are seeking our own objects, and even doing harm instead of good to others.

Verses 57-62 Here is one that is forward to follow Christ, but seems to have been hasty and rash, and not to have counted the cost. If we mean to follow Christ, we must lay aside the thoughts of great things in the world. Let us not try to join the profession of Christianity, with seeking after worldly advantages. Here is another that seems resolved to follow Christ, but he begs a short delay. To this man Christ first gave the call; he said to him, Follow me. Religion teaches us to be kind and good, to show piety at home, and to requite our parents; but we must not make these an excuse for neglecting our duty to God. Here is another that is willing to follow Christ, but he must have a little time to talk with his friends about it, and to set in order his household affairs, and give directions concerning them. He seemed to have worldly concerns more upon his heart than he ought to have, and he was willing to enter into a temptation leading him from his purpose of following Christ. No one can do any business in a proper manner, if he is attending to other things. Those who begin with the work of God, must resolve to go on, or they will make nothing of it. Looking back, leads to drawing back, and drawing back is to perdition. He only that endures to the end shall be saved.

Luke 9 Commentaries

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