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Psalms 110; Psalms 111; Psalms 112; 1 Corinthians 5
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Psalms 110
The LORD says to my Lord, "Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your control."
The LORD will make your royal authority spread out from Zion to other lands. You will rule over your enemies who are all around you.
Your troops will be willing to fight for you on the day of battle. You will be wrapped in holy majesty. Just as the dew falls fresh early in the morning, you will always be young and strong.
The LORD has taken an oath and made a promise. He will not change his mind. He has said, "You are a priest forever, just like Melchizedek."
The Lord is at your right hand. He will crush kings on the day when he is angry.
He will judge the nations. He will pile up dead bodies on the field of battle. He will crush the rulers of the whole earth.
He will drink from a brook along the way and receive new strength. And so he will win the battle.
Holy Bible, New International Reader's Version® Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by Biblica. All rights reserved worldwide.
Psalms 111
Praise the Lord. I will praise the LORD with all my heart. I will praise him where honest people gather for worship.
The LORD has done great things. All who take delight in what he has done will spend time thinking about it.
What he does shows his glory and majesty. He will always do what is right.
The LORD causes his miracles to be remembered. He is kind and tender.
He provides food for those who have respect for him. He remembers his covenant forever.
He has shown his people what his power can do. He has given them the lands of other nations.
He is faithful and right in everything he does. All his rules can be trusted.
They will stand firm for ever and ever. They were given by the Lord. He is faithful and honest.
He set his people free. He made a covenant with them that will last forever. His name is holy and wonderful.
If you really want to become wise, you must begin by having respect for the Lord. All those who follow his rules have good understanding. People should praise him forever.
Holy Bible, New International Reader's Version® Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by Biblica. All rights reserved worldwide.
Psalms 112
Praise the Lord. Blessed is the one who has respect for the Lord. He finds great delight when he obeys God's commands.
His children will be powerful in the land. Because he is honest, his children will be blessed.
His family will have wealth and riches. He will always be blessed for doing what is right.
Even in the darkness light shines on honest people. It shines on those who are kind and tender and godly.
Good things will come to those who are willing to lend freely. Good things will come to those who are fair in everything they do.
They will always be secure. Those who do what is right will be remembered forever.
They aren't afraid when bad news comes. They stand firm because they trust in the Lord.
Their hearts are secure. They aren't afraid. In the end they will see their enemies destroyed.
They have spread their gifts around to poor people. Their good works continue forever. They will be powerful and honored.
Evil people will see it and be upset. They will grind their teeth and become weaker and weaker. What evil people long to do can't succeed.
Holy Bible, New International Reader's Version® Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by Biblica. All rights reserved worldwide.
1 Corinthians 5
It is actually reported that there is sexual sin among you. I'm told that a man is living with his father's wife and is having sex with her. Even people who do not know God don't commit that sin.
And you are proud! Shouldn't you be filled with sadness instead? Shouldn't you have put the man who did that out of your church?
Even though I am not right there with you, I am with you in spirit. And I have already judged the one who did that, just as if I were there.
When you come together in the name of our Lord Jesus, I will be with you in spirit. The power of our Lord Jesus will also be with you.
When you come together like that, hand that man over to Satan. Then his sinful nature will be destroyed. His spirit will be saved on the day the Lord returns.
Your bragging is not good. It is like yeast. Don't you know that just a little yeast works its way through the whole batch of dough?
Get rid of the old yeast. Be like a new batch of dough without yeast. That is what you really are, because Christ has been offered up for us. He is our Passover lamb.
So let us keep the Feast, but not with the old yeast. I'm talking about yeast that is full of hatred and evil. Let us keep the Feast with bread made without yeast. Let us do it with bread that is honest and true.
I wrote a letter to you to tell you to stay away from people who commit sexual sins.
I didn't mean the people of this world who sin that way or who always want more and more. I didn't mean those who cheat or who worship statues of gods. In that case you would have to leave this world!
But here is what I am writing to you. You must stay away from anyone who claims to be a believer but who does those things. Stay away from anyone who commits sexual sins or who always wants more and more things. Stay away from a person who worships statues of gods or who tells lies about others. Stay away from anyone who gets drunk or who cheats. Don't even eat with a person like that.
Is it my business to judge those outside the church? Aren't you supposed to judge those inside the church?
God will judge those outside. Scripture says, "Get rid of that evil person!"(Deuteronomy 17:7; 19:19; 21:21; 22:21,24; 24:7)
Holy Bible, New International Reader's Version® Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by Biblica. All rights reserved worldwide.