Ben Sira 39:29-35

29 Fire and hail and famine and pestilence, all these have been created for vengeance;
30 the fangs of wild animals and scorpions and vipers, and the sword that punishes the ungodly with destruction.
31 They take delight in doing his bidding, always ready for his service on earth; and when their time comes they never disobey his command."
32 So from the beginning I have been convinced of all this and have thought it out and left it in writing:
33 All the works of the Lord are good, and he will supply every need in its time.
34 No one can say, "This is not as good as that," for everything proves good in its appointed time.
35 So now sing praise with all your heart and voice, and bless the name of the Lord.
New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.