And Jesus heard, and said to them, This sickness is not to the death, but for the glory of God, that man's Son be glorified by him [that God's Son be glorified by it].
And Jesus loved Martha, and her sister Mary, and Lazarus.
Therefore when Jesus heard, that he was sick, then he dwelled in the same place two days.
And after these things he said to his disciples, Go we again into Judaea.
The disciples say to him, Master [Rabbi, or Master], now the Jews sought to stone thee, and again goest thou thither?
Jesus answered, Whether there be not twelve hours of the day? If any man wander in the day, he hurteth not, for he seeth the light of this world. [Jesus answered, Whether there be not twelve hours in the day? Whosoever walketh in the day, he hurteth not, for he seeth the light of this world.]
But if he wander in the night, he stumbleth, for light is not in him.
He said these things [These things he saith], and after these things he saith to them, Lazarus, our friend, sleepeth, but I go to raise him from sleep.
Therefore his disciples said, Lord, if he sleepeth, he shall be safe. [Therefore his disciples said, Lord, if he sleep, he shall be safe.]
But Jesus had said of his death; but they guessed, that he said of [the] sleeping of sleep.
Then therefore Jesus said to them openly, Lazarus is dead;