Search Results for ��� 28: 19

Found 381 Results for ��� 28: 19
16 Holy Week Prayers to Remind Us of the Beauty of the Cross

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

A holy week prayer is a practice Christians find helpful to focus our thoughts and prepare our hearts during the time we mark the most pivotal events of our faith. ...

What Is Soteriology and Why Is it Essential for All Christians to Know?

Jean Wilund

Soteriology isn’t uniquely Christian, but it is biblical. Paul demonstrates the use of soteriology in his letter to the Corinthian church....

What Does the Bible Say about the Harvest?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The first specific mention of harvest is Genesis 8:22, when the Lord God makes the Noahic Covenant and said “seedtime and harvest will never cease” as long as the earth remains. Another covenant, anot...

Grow Your Faith in This Season by Slowing Down

Ruth Clemence

Do we find ourselves ever truly slowing down from the many demands of our life, being distracted by endless entertainment, or from the many concerns floating in our minds? Real rest means resting upon...

Is Concupiscence, a Strong Sexual Desire, a Sin?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Concupiscence is one of those words which derives its meaning from the context—specifically the object toward which it is directed. At its core, concupiscence is desire or coveting (epithymia)....

Why Should Christians Know What the Adamic Covenant Is Today?

Lisa Loraine Baker

We see the word covenant in many church names, but what is a covenant? What does it mean when theologians say an Adamic covenant goes back to the Garden of Eden?...

What Makes a Miracle?

Jessica Brodie

Whether the miracle has to do with healing sickness or infirmity and showcasing god’s power and status as Almighty God matters not; what matters is that the miracle isn’t merely coincidence, but rathe...

20 Things to Thank God for in the Midst of Adversity

Lisa Loraine Baker

We can rest in Who He is and be thankful because we are made in His image and because throughout every adversity He allows, He is changing us from one degree of glory to another or to mold us more and...

March 29, AD 33: The King Comes for His Kingdom

After observing the Sabbath (Friday evening through Saturday evening) at Bethany, Jesus arose Sunday morning to enter the city of Jerusalem. It was March 29, AD 33—the first day of the last week of hi...

How Does the Bible Encourage Us during Hard Times?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Hard times are inevitable. We best suit up every day according to Ephesians 6:10-20 so we can fight whatever the world throws at us. Have a prayer arsenal, quick go-to verses, and a believing friend i...

What Is God’s Purpose for Our Family?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Family is an important concept in the Bible. God instituted family when He created Eve as a helpmeet for Adam. The rest of the Bible speaks of family in its various roles, and most important is the ch...

How to Pray for Your Daily Bread

Adrian Rogers

"Bread" in this prayer is really symbolic of any need you have. Do you have a need today? God delights to meet your need. ...

What Is Systematic Theology and Why Do We Need It?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Systematic theology is comprised of the compilation and comprehension of all the pertinent passages in the Bible and then the encapsulation of them in a clear, teachable form so we have a firm foundat...

Is There Cannibalism Found in the Bible, and if so, Why?

Connor Salter

Unless you were that Sunday School student who liked looking up Bible stories that no one mentions, you probably never asked “is cannibalism in the Bible?” ...

What is Glossolalia and is it Biblical?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Glossolalia is a 19th-century term extrapolated from the Greek word, glossa, which is the word Peter used in this passage. Glossa means “tongue” (in this case it means language). ...

Why Is it Important that Jesus Gave His Followers Peace When He Left Them?

Tammy Kennington

Jesus’s gift was intangible and of incalculable value. John 14:27 (NIV) explains, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.”...

7 Proven Methods to Be an Effective “Soul Winner”

Dr. David Jeremiah

If Christ called us to preach the gospel everywhere, how can we be an effective witness for Him? Let these 7 proven methods guide you in your efforts....

Why Palm Sunday Is Still in the Palm of God's Hand Despite Pandemic

Dale Chamberlain

Regardless of what happens this Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter, this year’s Holy Week will be memorable. The God who saves has not left us. He is actively working. He has a plan. Miracles we can...

Why Is God Called "King of Kings"?

Heather Adams

When we see God as the King of Kings, we are agreeing that He has absolute dominion. The title ought to stir up a sense of respect, worship, and even wonder within us. ...

What Does an Evangelist Look Like Today?

Heather Adams

In Scripture, the title of evangelist is usually applied to the Apostles. And they truly did devote their lives to telling everyone they could about our Lord. But according to Matthew 28:19-20, this i...