Search Results for go into all the world

Found 84 Results for go into all the world
Preaching Dangerously

An Interview with Mark Labberton, Sr. Pastor of First Presbyertian Church of Berkley, Califonia....

When a Story Is the Best Response

Whenever we face a communication challenge, telling a story is a good option, and sometimes it is the very best option....

8 Characteristics of Evangelistic Preaching

What does evangelistic preaching sound/look/feel like? Here are eight characteristics....

Preaching God’s Grace: An Interview with Tullian Tchividjian

Sometimes God takes us out of comfort zones and allows us to be sifted because He loves us....

Superficial vs. Spiritual Wisdom

1 Corinthians 2:12-13 Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that is from God, so that we may understand the gifts bestowed on us by God. And we speak of these things in w...

Preaching for Life Change

Are there some particular insights you’ve gained during the years that help you preach for life change?...

To Illustrate

AGE There is a birthday card making the rounds that says, “You know what they say about age — it’s all in your mind.” Inside the card it adds, “and your legs, your arms, your neck, your arches, your b...

Pastoring a Pentecostal Church

A Pentecostal minister cannot respond to our postmodern world with strategies that deal only with surface issues. Instead, he or she must create new methods of sharing the message without disturbing t...