Search Results for php 2:7

Found 48 Results for php 2:7

Victory The number of times the word victory occurs in the English Bible depends very much on the particular version one uses. For example, victory oc...

Revelation 1:5

and from Jesus Christ Within this simple greeting can be found a neglected doctrine of paramount importance: the Trinity. The greeting is from each me...


Gospel [N] [E]Glad tidings or good news, from Anglo-Saxon godspell.The Old Testament. Good news is proclaimed widely ( 1 Sam 31:9 ; Psalm 96:2-3 ; ...

Baptize, Baptism

Baptize, Baptism The Greek root-word baptizein [baptivzw] means to plunge, immerse, sink; hence to wash; to be immersed, overwhelmed (in trouble). Fro...

A Puritan Confession

CHAPTER 1 - Of the Holy Scriptures1. The Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain, and infallible rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedi...

Church, the

Church, the [T] Definition of the Church. The New Testament word for church is ekklesia [ejkklhsiva], which means the called out ones. In classical Gr...

Revelation 16:15

I am coming ??????? [Erchomai] , present tense, I am presently coming. His arrival is so imminent we are to think of Him as being already on His way....


Apostle [N] [E] [S](Gk. apostolos [ajpovstolo]). Envoy, ambassador, or messenger commissioned to carry out the instructions of the commissioning aget....

Paul the Apostle

Paul the Apostle Life. Paul's exact date of birth is unknown. It is reasonable to surmise that he was born within a decade of Jesus' birth. He died, p...


Sanctification [N] [T] [E]The generic meaning of sanctification is the state of proper functioning. To sanctify someone or something is to set that pe...


Overseer [N]The word overseer (Gk. episkopos [ejpivskopo]) is used a limited number of times in the New Testament, but it has significant implications...

Call, Calling

Call, Calling This prominent biblical term is used with particular theological significance in three ways: in connection with worship, with election, ...

Revelation 1:1

Up to this point, we have spent considerable time discussing background information in order to better prepare the reader for the verse-by-verse expo...

Thessalonians, First and Second, Theology of

Thessalonians, First and Second, Theology of The epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians are forceful evidence that Paul was no mere armchair theologian...

Virgin Birth

Virgin Birth Historically, the Christian belief that Jesus was miraculously conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary wi...

Jesus Christ, Name and Titles of

Jesus Christ, Name and Titles of In our culture names serve primarily to distinguish one person from another. In Bibletimes names had other significan...

Revelation 2:17

let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches See commentary on Revelation 2:7. overcomes See Who is the Overcomer? hidden manna The manna is set...


Animals [N]God as Creator and Sustainer. Animals, like the rest of the uNIVerse, are created by God. In Genesis 1, God's approval of the created world...

Revelation 13:18

Here is wisdom This phrase indicates that what follows constitutes a riddle of sorts requiring great wisdom to comprehend. A similar statement introd...

1 Peter - Introduction

INTRODUCTION ITS GENUINENESS is attested by 2?Peter 3:1 Also by POLYCARP (in EUSEBIUS [Ecclesiastical History, 4.14]), who, in writing to the Phi...