Search Results for conclusion

Found 147 Results for conclusion
When Grace Becomes Our Calling

Lianna Davis

The book of Jude is one of the shortest in the Bible, at just one chapter. However, this letter has plenty to say about our gift of salvation. Follow along as we break down two of Jude's most encourag...

Wordplay in Jonah

What is a “bank”? Is it the land beside a river? A financial institution? Yes, depending. It’s ambiguous until you know the context. In a similar (but more sophisticated) way, the author of Jonah play...

Big Grace

If the Bible's description of us is accurate, then God's grace is our only hope. Thank God that He has given us big grace! ...

Does God Have Emotions?

Rebekah Drumsta

Not only can emotions be a guide to help us learn more about ourselves, but they can also direct us to learn more about the One who made them. We are crafted in God’s likeness; this includes the posse...

What Is Joy in Christianity?

Mel Walker

It is a natural human inclination to think that living through trials and negative circumstances would not be an occasion for joy. Choosing to respond to life’s difficult situations with inner content...

Why Is Prayer Important for Christians?

Melissa Henderson

Why is prayer important for Christians? A life filled with Christ means we will go to Him in joyful moments and in times of sorrow. We will pray for others. Family, friends, strangers and enemies. Pra...

Are You Too Busy to Read the Bible?

Brian Hardin

Surveys have shown that most people believe the Bible contains truth and that it holds the answers to the basic questions of life, and yet few of us have an intimate relationship with it. Even thoug...

What is an Advent Wreath? How-to Guide for Celebrating Advent

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

Discover the purpose, symbolism, and history of the Advent Wreath used in the season of Christmas by Christians around the world....

Is “Prepare to Meet Thy God” in the Bible?

Lianna Davis

“Prepare to meet thy God” could be harrowing or comforting words. So what makes the difference?...

Are There Missing Bible Verses in the NIV Translation?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Are there really Bible verses missing from the New International Version of the Bible?...

Did Jesus Come to Bring Peace, or a Sword?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Jesus in these verses brings to light a truth about the gospel and Christianity that sometimes gets overlooked, especially when you live in a country like America. The gospel is confrontational. The g...

Where Is the Garden of Eden?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The Garden of Eden was Heaven on earth - at least until the Fall of Man. The Bible records that Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden, and an angel with a flaming sword was set to guard its entranc...

4 Practical Ways We Can Grow in Grace

Jessica Udall

God’s grace is not bestowed on us because of our good works, but it is bestowed on us to enable us to do the good works that God had in mind for us to do before the creation of the world!...

3 Important Lessons from the Book of Ecclesiastes

Jessica Udall

The book of Ecclesiastes provides relevant wisdom for Christians today who struggle with the seeming meaninglessness of life. Why are we here? What is it all for? Does what we do even matter? What is ...

Why Does Hosea Warn That God’s People Are “Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge”?

Jessica Brodie

In short, it is a warning that we are never to ignore God’s truth. We are to hold tight to the Word given to us by the Lord and follow Him despite the temptations and other messages surrounding us in ...

How We Can (Actually) Be Encouraged That "the Race Is Not to the Swift"

Blair Parke

What the author of this biblical passage is referencing here is that though we pursue the race of life believing we can get the upper hand, in the end death will still prevail. However, there is still...

What Does the Bible Say about Food and Eating?

Emma Danzey

Food is one of the best gifts that God has given to us. God’s Word has answers for everything. What does the Bible say about food and eating?...

What Does Selah Mean in the Bible?

Tammy Kennington

Selah is one of the Old Testament's more mysterious words, central to worship. Discover what this word means in the Bible....

Do You Have to Be Baptized to Take Communion?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Communion is only for believers in Jesus Christ. The Bible does not say you must be baptized to receive communion, and I won’t say it either....