Search Results for eph 4:4

Found 144 Results for eph 4:4
Revelation 14:4

not defiled with women Defiled is ??????????? [Emolynth?san] : ?Causing something to be dirty soil, smear, stain; metaphorically, as keeping the life...


Sanctification [N] [T] [E]The generic meaning of sanctification is the state of proper functioning. To sanctify someone or something is to set that pe...


Legalism The term legalism commonly denotes preoccupation with form at the expense of substance. While it is now used metaphorically in all areas of h...

Ephesians 4

EPHESIANS. CHAPTER IV. The Unity of the Church. SUMMARY.--The Exhortation to Unity. The Seven Bonds of Unity. The Various Gifts Given to the Chu...

Revelation 6:9

Opening the Fifth and Sixth Seals 1 fifth seal With the opening of the fifth seal, we break from the judgments associated with the four horsemen. ?T...

Book II

OI THE INTERNAL ACTS AND WORKS OF GOD ; AND OF HIS DECREES IN GENERAL. THE acts and works of God may be distinguished into internal and external. The...

Revelation 7:4

who were sealed ????????????? [esphragismen?n] , perfect passive participle, ones having been sealed. The angel recounts the total number of individua...

Thankfulness, Thanksgiving

Thankfulness, Thanksgiving The Old Testament. Early in the Old Testament both the language and the concept of thanksgiving are conspicuous by their ab...

Revelation 5:6

four living creatures See commentary on Revelation 4:6. the elders See commentary on Revelation 4:4. a Lamb ?When John turned, he saw, not a Lion, acc...


Work [N]For contemporary humanity the meaning and character of work have been divorced from religion, being largely shaped by secular ideologies assoc...

Philippians 3

PHILIPPIANS. CHAPTER III. Attaining to the Power of the Resurrection. SUMMARY.--A Warning Against Judaizing Teachers. Paul's Grounds for Boasting ...

Romans 12

Chapter?12The apostle, having at large cleared and confirmed the prime fundamental doctrines of Christianity, comes in the next place to press the pri...

Three Imputations

VIII THREE IMPUTATIONS IHAVE reserved until now my treatment of what I regard as the point in theology which most needs explanation, and which I con...

Chapter XVII

CHAPTER XVII THE KINGDOM Part I.?Its Nature WE here enter the region of the yet unfulfilled purpose of God, and known to us only through prophecy....

Psalm 119:144

?EXPOSITION Verse 144. The righteousness of thy testimonies is everlasting. First he had said that God's testimonies were righteous, then that they we...


Law [N] [E] [S]The Nature of Biblical Law. The usual Hebrew term translated as law is tora [h'r/T]. Tora [h'r/T], used 220 times in the Old Testament,...


Gospel [N] [E]Glad tidings or good news, from Anglo-Saxon godspell.The Old Testament. Good news is proclaimed widely ( 1 Sam 31:9 ; Psalm 96:2-3 ; ...

Ephesians 1

EPHESIANS. CHAPTER I. The Foreordination of the Church. SUMMARY.--The Salutation. Our Election and Adoption by Grace. This the Source of Salvation...

Idol, Idolatry

Idol, Idolatry The most prevalent form of idolatry in biblical times was the worship of images or idolsthat represented or were thought to embody vari...


Freedom [N] [E]The theme of freedom rings loudly in one of the most crucial sections of Scripture, namely the narrative of the exodus. Already when es...