Search Results for leviticus 17:11

Found 110 Results for leviticus 17:11
Fear of god

Fear of god REVERENCE Genesis 35:5 ; Exodus 18:21 ; 20:18-20 ; Leviticus 22:32 ; Deuteronomy 4:10 ; 5:29 ; Deuteronomy 6:2 Deuteronomy 6:13 ;...


BLOOD blud (dam, probably from 'adham to be red; haima): Used in the Old Testament to designate the life principle in either animal or vegetable, as ...

Reason; Reasonable; Reasoning

REASON; REASONABLE; REASONING re'-z'n, re'-z'n-a-b'l, re'-z'n-ing (yakhach, etc.; logos, dialogizomai, -ismos, etc.): Reason with related terms, has ...


Backsliders General scriptures concerning Leviticus 26:14-42 ; Deuteronomy 4:9 ; 8:11-14 ; 28:15-68 ; 29:18-28 ; 32:15-30 ; Joshua 24:20-27 ; ...

Courts of justice

Courts of justice Have authority from God Romans 13:1-5 SUPERIOR COURT Held first by Moses alone in the wilderness Exodus 18:13-20 Consisted...


HARVEST har'-vest (qatsir; therismos): To many of us, harvest time is of little concern, because in our complex life we are far removed from the actu...

Atonement, the

Atonement, the Explained Romans 5:8-11 ; 2 Corinthians 5:18 2 Corinthians 5:19 ; Galatians 1:4 ; 1?John 2:2 ; 4:10 Foreordained Romans 3:...


SCALES skalz (1) qasqeseth fish-scales; (2) meghinnah, maghen, scales of the crocodile; (3) lepis, with verb lepizo scale away (Tobit 3:17; 11:13))...

Luke 24:44

Overview - Luke 24 1?Christ's resurrection is declared by two angels to the women that come to the sepulchre. 9?These report it to others. 13?Christ ...

Priest, Christ as

Priest, Christ as The Old Testament. The priestly activity of drawing near to God in sacrifice and prayer is introduced in the Old Testament through A...

Clean, Unclean

Clean, Unclean The Old Testament. How Uncleanness Was Contracted and Treated. In Old Testament times the ordinary state of most things was cleanness, ...


HOLINESS ho'-li-nes (qadhosh, holy, qodhesh, holiness; hagios, holy): I. IN THE OLD TESTAMENT MEANING OF THE TERM 1. The Holiness of God (1) Absolu...

Parable of the Pharisee and Publican.

6-33. PARABLE OF THE PHARISEE AND PUBLICAN. c?LUKE 18:9-14. ? ? ? c?9 And he spake also this parable unto certain who trusted in themselves t...

Pentateuch, 1

PENTATEUCH, 1 pen'-ta-tuk: I. TITLE, DIVISION, CONTENTS II. AUTHORSHIP, COMPOSITION, DATE 1. The Current Critical Scheme 2. The Evidence for the Cu...


Circumcision [N] [T] [B] [S]cutting around. This rite, practised before, as some think, by divers races, was appointed by God to be the special badge ...


Sheep [N] [E] [S] Clean and used as food Deuteronomy 14:4 DESCRIBED AS Innocent 2?Samuel 24:17 Sagacious John 10:4 John 10:5 Agile ...


Atonement [N] [E]That the Bible's central message is atonement, that is, that God has provided a way for humankind to come back into harmonious relati...


Fellowship [B] [E]General scriptures concerning Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 ; Amos 3:3 See FRATERNITYSee FELLOWSHIPWITH GOD Genesis 5:22 Genesis 5:24 ; ...


GOAT got: 1. Names: The common generic word for goat is `ez (compare Arabic `anz, she-goat; aix), used often for she-goat (Genesis 15:9; Numbers 15:...


Pardon [N] [B] [E] Promised Isaiah 1:18 ; Jeremiah 31:34 ; Hebrews 8:12 ; Jeremiah 50:20 None without shedding of blood Leviticus 17:11 ; H...