Search Results for mark 6-7

Found 50 Results for mark 6-7
What Does the Bible Say about Gossip?

Kathy Collard Miller

The Bible warns us about gossip very clearly. So what can we learn from its advice?...

What Does it Mean That God Is Omnipotent?

Jennifer Slattery

When we understand that God, our Creator and Savior, is omnipotent, our chaotic and constantly changing world doesn’t seem quite so scary. No matter how vulnerable or ill-equipped we feel, no ...

Today, Look for More Opportunities to Be Grateful

Frank Santora

When we say “Thank You,” we are really saying to Him, “I realize that I’m nothing without You, that all I have and all I hope to be comes from Your gracious hand. I recognize that You are my source of...

20 Scriptural Ways to Cultivate a “Good and Noble” Heart That Will Bear Fruit

Sheila Alewine

We are responsible to cultivate and keep a “noble and good heart” so that the Word of God continues to bear fruit pleasing to God. Here are twenty ways that Scripture addresses our heart and shows us ...

What Does the Bible Say about Work?

Michael Lee Stallard

Each week the average adult spends nearly 40% of his or her waking hours working. Given that work occupies so much of our time, it would be rational to expect that God cares about what we produce duri...

What Is Theology & Why Is it Important?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

Theology is studying God. Christian theology is knowing God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Theology is “the queen of the sciences.” This was not only the opinion of the great Middle Ages scholar, Thom...

The Holy Spirit and the Scandal of Christ's Birth

Sometimes when we come to passages like Matthew’s condensed Christmas story, we don’t come with that childlike curiosity and wonder—looking at the everyday with awe, perceiving the familiar as fascina...

How to Develop Your Prayer Life

Prayer is the growth of a soul as we come in contact with God. As the soul grows, the prayer life deepens....