Search Results for matt 18-19

Found 151 Results for matt 18-19

Consolation [N]Attempt to comfort someone who is in sorrow. The most frequently encountered Hebrew term is niham [WjIn]; parakaleo [parakalevw], param...


Fire [N] [T] [E] [S]One of the most arresting and suggestive metaphors in the Bible is that of fire, a phenomenon common to all cultures ancient and ...


Spirit [N] [E]The Old Testament. The Hebrew word for spirit is ruah [;jWr]. It appears 389 times in the Old Testament. Its varied use almost defies an...

Know, Knowledge

Know, Knowledge The Old Testament. The Hebrew root yada [[;dy],translated know/knowledge, appears almost 950 times in the HebrewBible. It has a wider...

Chapter VI

Now by that these pilgrims had been at this place a week, Mercy, had a visiter, that preten ded some good will unto her, and his name was Mr. Brisk ;...


Foreknowledge In his omniscience God knows what the future holds both for individuals and for nations. He knows and sees everything in advance and his...


Delight The idea of delight occurs approximately 110 times in Scripture in various forms. Less than fifteen occurrences are found in the New Testament...


Footnotes(1 )He came in with a slow and stately step; he spoke with a broken utterance, sometimes with a kind of disjointed sobs rather than words. He...

Homily VII.

Homily VII.Homily VII. Chapter III. Verses 8-11.-Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, was this grace given, to preach unto the Gentiles ...

Chapter XII

CHAPTER XII SUPERNATURE, THE SUPERNATURAL FROM Unnature, the unnatural, we turn now to Supernature, the supernatural. This is the last and highest c...


Woman [T] [E]In an age of women's liberation, modern Bible readers have understandably scrutinized Scripture for its teachings on gender. Assessments ...


Evil [N]As a prerequisite for any discussion of evil, moral evil must be distinguished from physical or natural evil. This essay uses the term moral e...

Ephesians 1

EPHESIANS. CHAPTER I. The Foreordination of the Church. SUMMARY.--The Salutation. Our Election and Adoption by Grace. This the Source of Salvation...


Sanctification [N] [T] [E]The generic meaning of sanctification is the state of proper functioning. To sanctify someone or something is to set that pe...

Barren Fig-Tree. Temple Cleansed.

7-3. BARREN FIG-TREE. TEMPLE CLEANSED. (Road from Bethany and Jerusalem. Monday, April 4, A. D. 30.) a?MATT. 21:18-19; b?MARK 11:12-18; c?LUKE 1...

Redeem, Redemption

Redeem, Redemption Finding its context in the social, legal, and religious customs of the ancient world, the metaphor of redemption includes the ideas...

Different Phases of the One Fact

II. DIFFERENT PHASES OF THE ONE FACT From that time began Jesus to preach, and to say, Repent ye; for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.?Matthew iv. 1...

Remorse and Suicide of Judas.

7-29. REMORSE AND SUICIDE OF JUDAS. (In the temple and outside the wall of Jerusalem. Friday morning.) a?MATT. 27:3-10; e?ACTS 1:18-19. ? ? ...

Education in Bible Times

Education in Bible Times Education is essential to the survival of any social group, since a community secures its continued existence and development...

Homily XXIV.

Homily XXIV.Homily XXIV. Ephesians vi. 14-17.-Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; an...