Search Results for rev 9-12

Found 128 Results for rev 9-12
6.58. Hebrews

Heb. 1 Heb. 1:2 5 - 3.1.1, 3.1.5, 3.3.14, 3.19.13, 3.22.16 Heb. 1:3 7 - 3.4.112, 2.13.8, 3.1.5, 3.3.21, 3.5.1, 4.16.2 Heb. 1:4 - 3.8.3 Heb. 1:5 ...

2 Samuel 8

Chapter?8David having sought first the kingdom of God and the righteousness thereof, settling the ark as soon as he was himself well settled, we are h...

Exodus 24

Chapter?24Moses, as mediator between God and Israel, having received divers laws and ordinances from God privately in the three foregoing chapters, in...

Hosea, Theology of

Hosea, Theology of Foundational to Hosea's message and teaching about God are his marriage to Gomer and her departure after the birth of three childre...

Prophet, Christ as

Prophet, Christ as The largest Old Testament passage on the coming Messiah in the role of a prophet is Deuteronomy 18:15-19. There God promised, throu...

Lamb, Lamb of God

Lamb, Lamb of God Definitions. In the pastoral setting of the Bible, there were numerous words for a lamb or a sheep. The Hebrew words were kebes [f,b...

Numbers, Symbolic Meaning of

Numbers, Symbolic Meaning of The Old Testament. The ancient Babylonians and Egyptians had a developed numerology based on astrological divination, whi...

Matthew 24

Chapter?24Christ?s preaching was mostly practical; but, in this chapter, we have a prophetical discourse, a prediction of things to come; such however...

Psalms 24

Chapter?24This psalm is concerning the kingdom of Jesus Christ, I. His providential kingdom, by which he rules the world (v.?1, v.?2). II. The kingdom...


Jerusalem [N] [T] [E] [H] [S]The Name. The name Jerusalem occurs 806 times in the Bible, 660 timesin the Old Testament and 146 times in the New Testa...

Ezekiel 43

Chapter?43The prophet, having given us a view of the mystical temple, the gospel-church, as he received it from the Lord, that it might appear not to ...

The Church of the Beast and the False Prophet

The Apostle John, who saw a beast rise up out of the sea, saw also another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb, and ...

Exodus 28

Chapter?28Orders being given for the fitting up of the place of worship, in this and the following chapter care is taken about the priests that were t...

The Heidelberg Catechism

Q1: What is thy only comfort in life and death? That I with body and soul, both in life and death, ( rom 14:7 rom 14:8 ) am not my own, ( 1?Corinthia...

Exodus 29

Chapter?29Particular orders are given in this chapter, I. Concerning the consecration of the priests, and the sanctification of the altar (v.?1-37). I...

Isaiah 25

Chapter?25After the threatenings of wrath in the foregoing chapter we have here, I. Thankful praises for what God had done, which the prophet, in the ...

Daniel 12

Chapter?12After the prediction of the troubles of the Jews under Antiochus, prefiguring the troubles of the Christian church under the anti-christian ...

Solomon's Temple Spiritualized

C H A P. I. Where the Terople tvas built. t/,, 'f J^TT^HE Temple was built at Jerusalem, on Mount Jfc~ Moriah, in the threfhing floor of Arnoa the J...

Clean, Unclean

Clean, Unclean The Old Testament. How Uncleanness Was Contracted and Treated. In Old Testament times the ordinary state of most things was cleanness, ...

Matthew 14

Chapter?14John the Baptist had said concerning Christ, He must increase, but I must decrease, Jn.?3:30 . The morning-star is here disappearing, and th...