Search Results for idolatry

Found 149 Results for idolatry
Does Jeremiah 11:11 Mean God Turns His Back on Us?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

This verse is a reminder that God is faithful to do what he has said, even when it includes the judgment of his people....

What Is the Difference Between Trials and Temptations?

Bethany Verrett

At every turn it seems there is a sudden problem, or bad habits creep in, and it feels like our walks are set back. Sometimes a tragedy strikes so great our faith shakes. Though they may feel the sa...

Who Is Rehoboam in the Bible?

Stephen Baker

Rehoboam was King Solomon’s son, and God’s chosen instrument to divide the nation of Israel. While his arrogance had consequences, we can learn something from how God used him as an instrument for his...

Who Is the Bride of Christ?

Jessica Udall

All the great love stories of the world echo this greatest of love stories. And just like a good husband acts, God’s actions towards the Church are always full of love....

How Galatians 1:10 Challenges Us to Please God, Not Other People

Emma Danzey

Will we act like the world to be loved by the world, or will we be set apart as a witness to Jesus? Will we honor family, friends, or even ministries more than honoring Christ? Will we use our words t...

How Do You Take Your Thoughts Captive, like the Bible Commands?

Matt Tommey

Without a clear understanding of why we take every thought captive and the power that it gives us to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in our daily lives, well-meaning, devoted Christians will be left fr...

What Does the Bible Teach in Ezekiel's Story of Two Adulterous Sisters?

Hope Bolinger

Ezekiel is a strange book. It uses some of the most bizarre imagery in all of Scripture — apart from Revelation — and the passage on the two adulterous sisters in Ezekiel 23 stands at no...

Does the Bible Actually Mention Seven Deadly Sins?

Candice Lucey

The Bible does not categorize pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth as the 'seven deadly sins.' They are mentioned by different names in all kinds of places....

What Does the Old Testament Say about Social Justice?

Ed Jarrett

God’s expectation is not just that judicial justice would prevail. But that acting justly toward others would also be a priority. That we would be doing what is right in our dealings with other people...

Why It Is so Incredible That "Unto Us a Child Is Born"

Alyssa Roat

Isaiah 9:6 says “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peac...

How Do We Lay Aside Every Weight to Follow God More Fervently?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

We are to use their examples as ways to lay aside every weight. You can determine what your weights are. ...

How Does the Bible Address Being Angry?

Pamela Palmer

There are plenty of verses about anger throughout Scripture, and there are even narratives in the Bible about people getting angry. The Bible does not say anger in and of itself is sinful, rather what...

3 Ways We Grow in Seasons of Waiting

Rev. Kyle Norman

Like waiting at the check-out, waiting for the realization of God’s promises can feel frustrating at times. Have you ever asked yourself “Why must I wait for the good things of God?” If so, you are no...

Hosea 6:3 Reminds Us That God Is Always Faithful

Lisa Loraine Baker

Israel knew God would respond positively to their faithfulness because He promised He would. Hosea likens His sure restoration of them with the refreshing nature of the dawn, showers, and spring rain....

Does Exodus 23:25 Promise God’s Blessing if We Worship Him?

Bethany Verrett

This blessing assured the soon-to-be nation of Israel that if they loved Him and kept His ways, He would bless them with good food, an abundance of water, and health. This covenant with the nation of ...

What Are the Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible?

Ben Reichert

Maybe you've heard about the deuterocanonical books. Are these "extra books of the Bible" that people have forgotten, or something else?...

What Is a Mortal Sin?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Mortal sin is an old concept, but is it actually in the Bible?...

Why Does Jesus Say He Is the “True Vine”?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Instead of just saying he is the vine, why does Jesus say he is the true vine? What is interesting and emphatic about this statement is that Jesus makes a definitive distinction between himself and an...

3 Mighty Prayers to the Holy Spirit

Bethany Verrett

It is not sinful to ask the Holy Spirit to help with something that is under its domain during prayer. It indwells each believer to sanctify, convict, and prepare Christians for eternity in Heaven, an...

Why Can We Not Serve Both God and Money?

Heather Adams

The Lord didn’t tell His listeners not to pursue gaining wealth. But He did give them a caution not to make that a higher priority in life than obeying and serving God. In the same chapter, He pointed...