Search Results for precious and promises

Found 1127 Results for precious and promises
Hosea 1

Chapter?1 Hosea is supposed to have been of the kingdom of Israel. He lived and prophesied during a long period. The scope of his predictions appears...

Psalms 138:7

Psalms 138:7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble Trouble attends the best of men; both outward and inward trouble, from sin, Satan, and the world; y...

Romans 15:4

Romans 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime In the books of the Old Testament; the apostle says this, to vindicate the pertinency of the ...

2 Peter 3:1

2 Peter 3:1 This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you This is a transition to another part of the epistle; for the apostle having largely des...

1 Timothy 1:11

1 Timothy 1:11 According to the glorious Gospel of the blessed God, &c.] For no doctrine is sound, but what is agreeable to that: this is a very great...

Psalms 48

Chapter?48 The glories of the church of Christ. Verses 1-7 Jerusalem is the city of our God: none on earth render him due honour except the...

Psalms 94:19

Psalms 94:19 In the multitude of my thoughts within me The word for thoughts is used of branches of trees, thick and entwined, and so denotes perplexe...

Psalms 116:7

Psalms 116:7 Return unto thy rest, O my soul To a quiet and tranquil state after much distress F11; a soliloquy, an address to his own soul to return ...

John 19:30

John 19:30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar Of the Roman soldiers, who offered it to him, either by way of reproach, or to quench his thi...

Micah 4

Chapter?4 The peace of the kingdom of Christ. (1-8) The judgments to come upon Jerusalem, but the final triumph of Israel. (9-13) Verses 1-...

Proverbs 31:11

Proverbs 31:11 The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her Christ her Maker is her husband, who has asked her in marriage, and has betrothed her...

Hebrews 3:12

Hebrews 3:12 Take heed, brethren This exhortation is grounded upon the state and case of their ancestors before given, as a warning and caution to the...

Psalm 119:171

?EXPOSITION Verse 171. My lips shall utter praise, when thou hast taught we thy statutes. He will not always be pleading for himself, he will rise abo...

Psalms 18:30

Psalms 18:30 [As for] God, his way [is] perfect Or without spot {m}, as the Septuagint render the word; without any just charge of inequality, or unri...

Genesis 16:13

Genesis 16:13 And she called the name of the Lord that spake unto her Either she called on the name of the Lord, and prayed unto him, that he would fo...

Ezekiel 20:37

Ezekiel 20:37 And I will cause you to pass under the rod That is, such whom God will not take vengeance on, and shall not die in the wilderness of the...

Proverbs 12

CHAPTER 12 Proverbs 12:1-28 . 1. loveth knowledge--as the fruit of instruction or training ( Proverbs 1:2 ). hateth reproof--( Proverbs 10:17...

Song of Solomon 4

Chapter 44:1 Behold, thou [art] a fair, my love; behold, thou [art] fair; thou [hast] doves eyes within thy locks: thy hair [is] as a b flock of goats...

Ezekiel 2

Chapter?2 The prophet is directed what he is to do. (1-5) And encouraged to be resolute, faithful, and devoted. (6-10) Verses 1-5 Lest Ezekie...

Zechariah 9

Chapter?9 God's defence of his church. (1-8) Christ's coming and his kingdom. (9-11) Promises to the church. (12-17) Verses 1-8 Here are j...