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Found 724 Results for wood my son*
Hymn XIII.

Hymn XIII. Hymn XIII. (Compare Hymn II. For the Epiphany.)1. In the days of the King whom they called by the name of Semha,(1) our Lord sprang up amon...

Book IV.

Book IV.Book IV. Chapter I. That Christ was before the Incarnation God from everlasting.AS we have finished three books with the most certain and the ...

Discourse I

Discourse IDiscourse I Chapter I. Introduction. Reason for writing; certain persons indifferent about Arianism; Arians not Christians, because sectari...

Ezekiel 24

Chapter 2424:1 Again in the a ninth year, in the tenth month, in the tenth [day] of the b month, the word of the LORD came to me, saying, (a) Of Jecon...


CHAPTER II Up from the Soil i If you want to drive the devil out of the world, hit him with a cradle instead of a crutch.?Billy Sunday. SUNDAY mus...

Chapter 14

CHAPTER 14 Birth of Isaac - Ishmael sent away - Trail of Abraham's faith in the Command to sacrifice Isaac - Death of Sarah - Death of Abraham (GENES...

Homily XII.

Homily XII.Homily XII.-------- Chapter I.-Two Bands.Therefore starting from Tripolis of Phoenicia to go to Antioch of Syria, on the same day we came t...

Homily LXXIV.

Homily LXXIV.Homily LXXIV. John xiv. 8, 9.-Philip saith unto Him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so ...

Psalms 141

Chapter?141David was in distress when he penned this psalm, pursued, it is most likely, by Saul, that violent man. Is any distressed? Let him pray; Da...

Part II

CHAPTER I ?t Of the selling of Jesus by the perfidious traitor Judas BLESS Thee, and give thanks to Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, of Goodness supreme,...

Psalm 132:17

?EXPOSITION Verse 17. There will I make the horn of David to bud. In Zion David's dynasty shall develop power and glory. In our notes from other autho...


THE NISIBENE HYMNSTHE NISIBENE HYMNS(Translated by Rev. J. T. Sarsfield Stopford, B.a.).I.1. O God of mercies Who didst refresh Noah, he too refreshed...

Part Fifth--The Sacraments, the Faith, and the Spiritual Life

90. HOLY COMMUNION. IMITATED FROM SAINT ALPHONSO. 1. O happy Flowers! O happy Flowers! How quietly for hours and hours, In dead of night, in chee...

The Tome of St. Leo.

The Tome of St. Leo.The Tome of St. Leo. (Labbe and Cossart, Concilia, Tom. IV., col. 343; also Migne, Pat. Lat., Tom. LIV. [Leo. M. Opera, Tom. I.] c...

Book IV.

Book IV.Book IV. Chapter I. Concerning what followed the Resurrection.After Christ was risen from the dead He laid aside all His passions, I mean His ...

Psalm 141:6

?EXPOSITION Verse 6. This is a verse of which the meaning seems far to seek. Does it refer to the righteous among the Israelites? We think so. David s...

11.7. Millennial Passages

Since it is often said that the premillennial view of a literal, earthly Millennial Kingdom rests upon what is held to be an obscure foundation in Re...

Introductory Notes.

Introductory Notes.1. In the Borgian Ms.In the name of the one God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, to him be the glory forever. We shal...

Book VII.

Book VII.Book VII.The question is explained, which had been deferred in the previous book, viz. That god the father, who begat the son, his power and ...

Matthew 16

John Darby commentary for Matthew 16Matthew Chapter 16Chapter 16 goes farther than the revelation of the simple grace of God. Jesus reveals what was ...