Search Results for 1 kings 15:24

Found 267 Results for 1 kings 15:24

BENAIAH be-na'-ya, be-ni'-a (benayah, benayahu, Yahweh has built. Compare HPN, 182, 265, 268): (1) Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada of Kabzeel (compare J...

Matthew 27:4

Overview - Matthew 27 1?Christ is delivered bound to Pilate. 3?Judas hangs himself. 19?Pilate, admonished of his wife, 20?and being urged by the mult...

Job 15:24

Job 15:24 Trouble and anguish shall make him afraid Either his present troubles shall frighten him, they being so very dismal, terrible, and distressi...

Numbers 20:11

Overview - Numbers 20 1?The children of Israel come to Zin, where Miriam dies. 2?They murmur for want of water. 7?Moses smiting the rock, brings for...

1 Chronicles 23:5

Overview - 1?Chronicles 23 1?David in his old age makes Solomon king. 2?The number and distribution of the Levites. 7?The families of the Gershonite...

Proverbs 29:25

Overview - Proverbs 29 1?Observations of public government, 15?and of private. 22?Of anger, pride, thievery, cowardice, and corruption. Treasury of Sc...

Afflictions of the wicked, the

Afflictions of the wicked, the God is glorified in Exodus 14:4 ; Ezekiel 38:22 Ezekiel 38:23 God holds in derision Psalms 37:13 ; Proverbs ...

Matthew 9:36

Overview - Matthew 9 1?Christ cures one sick of the palsy; 9?calls Matthew from the receipt of custom; 10?eats with publicans and sinners; 14?defends...

Israel, prophecies concerning

Israel, prophecies concerning PROPHECIES CONCERNINGOf captivity, famine, and judgments 1 Kings 14:15 1 Kings 14:16 ; 17:1 ; 20:13-28 ; 2 Kings ...

Kingdom of Judah

Kingdom of Judah Rehoboam, the First King. Solomon was succeeded by his son, Rehoboam ( 1?Kings 12:43 ). Upon his elevation to the throne a deputati...

Revelation 3:15

Overview - Revelation 3 1?The angel of the church of Sardis is reproved; 3?exhorted to repent, and threatened if he do not repent. 8?The angel of th...

Numbers 21:7

Overview - Numbers 21 1?Israel destroys the Canaanites at Hormah. 4?The people murmuring are plagued with fiery serpents. 7?They repenting are heale...

Numbers 14:2

Overview - Numbers 14 1?The people murmur at the news. 6?Joshua and Caleb labour to still them. 11?God threatens them. 13?Moses intercedes with God, ...

Exodus 24:11

Overview - Exodus 24 1?Moses is called up into the mountain. 3?The people promise obedience. 4?Moses builds an altar, and twelve pillars. 6?He spri...

Jeremiah 31:20

Overview - Jeremiah 31 1?The restoration of Israel. 10?The publication thereof. 15?Rahel mourning is comforted. 18?Ephraim repenting is brought home a...

2 Chronicles 17:3

2 Chronicles 17:3 And the Lord was with Jehoshaphat Guiding and directing, prospering and succeeding him in all things; he had, no doubt, his gracious...

1 Kings 9

CHAPTER 9 1?Kings 9:1-9 . GOD'S COVENANT IN A SECOND VISION WITH SOLOMON. 1. And it came to pass, when Solomon had finished the building of t...


Prophecy [T] [E] Concerning JesusSee JESUSConcerning the churchSee CHURCHPROPHECIES CONCERNING(Relating to various countries, nations, and cities, see...

1 Kings 2:26

1 Kings 2:26 And unto Abiathar the priest said the king Who was either at court, or he sent for him, and thus addressed him: get thee to Anathoth; a ...


Ark [B] [E]NOAHSDirections for building of Genesis 6:14-16 Noah and family preserved in Genesis 6:18 ; 7:8 ; Matthew 24:38 ; Hebrews 11:7 ; ...