Search Results for hebrews 12:13

Found 454 Results for hebrews 12:13
Hebrews 6:10

Overview - Hebrews 6 1?He exhorts not to fall back from the faith; 11?but to be stedfast, 12?diligent, and patient to wait upon God; 13?because God is...

Ephesians 4:3

Overview - Ephesians 4 1?He exhorts to unity; 7?and declares that God therefore gives divers gifts unto men; 11?that his church might be edified, 16?...

Psalms 5:8

Overview - Psalms 5 1?David prays, and professes his study in prayer. 4?God favours not the wicked. 7?David, professing his faith, prays to God to g...

Isaiah 46:4

Overview - Isaiah 46 1?The idols of Babylon could not save themselves. 3?God saves his people to the end. 5?Idols are not comparable to God for powe...

1 Samuel 12:24

Overview - 1?Samuel 12 1?Samuel testifies his integrity. 6?He reproves the people of ingratitude. 16?He terrifies them with thunder in harvest time. ...


Tabernacle [N] [B] [E] [S] Moses was commanded to make after a divine pattern Exodus 25:9 ; 26:30 ; Hebrews 8:5 Made of the free-will offerings ...

Hebrews 12

Chapter 1212:1? Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth...

Acts 10:35

Overview - Acts 10 1?Cornelius, a devout man, being commanded by an angel, sends for Peter, 11?who by a vision is taught not to despise the Gentiles; ...

2 Kings 4:10

Overview - 2?Kings 4 1?Elisha multiplies the widow's oil. 8?He obtains a son for the good Shunammite. 18?He restores her son when dead. 38?At Gilgal ...


Hospitality [N] [B] [S] Commanded Romans 12:13 ; 1?Peter 4:9 Required in ministers 1?Timothy 3:2 ; Titus 1:8 A test of Christian character ...

Hebrews 6:2

Overview - Hebrews 6 1?He exhorts not to fall back from the faith; 11?but to be stedfast, 12?diligent, and patient to wait upon God; 13?because God is...

2 Corinthians 12:14

Third time I am ready to come (triton touto etoimw ecw). Had he been already twice or only once? He had changed his plans once when he did not go ( H...

1 Corinthians 16:1

Overview - 1?Corinthians 16 1?He exhorts them to relieve the want of the brethren at Jerusalem. 10?Commends Timothy; 13?and after friendly admonitions...

1 Corinthians 16:15

Overview - 1?Corinthians 16 1?He exhorts them to relieve the want of the brethren at Jerusalem. 10?Commends Timothy; 13?and after friendly admonitions...

Matthew 22:15

Overview - Matthew 22 1?The parable of the marriage of the king's son. 9?The vocation of the Gentiles. 12?The punishment of him that wanted the weddi...

Acts 22:16

Overview - Acts 22 1?Paul declares at large how he was converted to the faith, 17?and called to his apostleship. 22?At the very mentioning of the Gent...


Padan-aram. By this name, which signifies the table-land of Aram , i.e. Syriac, the Hebrews designated the tract of country which they otherwise call...

Genesis 20:13

Overview - Genesis 20 1?Abraham sojourns at Gerar. 2?Denies his wife, who is taken by Abimelech. 3?Abimelech is reproved for her in a dream. 9?He r...

3 John 1:5

A faithful work (piston). Either thus or thou makest sure, after an example in Xenophon quoted by Wettstein (poiein pista) and parallel to kaina poie...

Philippians 1:5

Overview - Philippians 1 1?Paul testifies his thankfulness to God, and his love towards them, for the fruits of their faith, and fellowship in his suf...