Search Results for hebrews 20:17

Found 185 Results for hebrews 20:17
Genesis 24:3

Overview - Genesis 24 1?Abraham swears his servant. 10?The servant's journey. 12?His prayer. 14?His sign. 15?Rebekah meets him; 18?fulfils his sign; 2...

Psalms 118

Chapter 118118:4? fear (See Scofield Psalms?19:9) . 118:9? trust (See Scofield Psalms?2:12) . 118:22? The stone which the builders refused See Christ ...


Church [E] [S](Hebrew: qahal, edah; Greek: ekklesia)(The people of God; the collective body of believers. (Also, CONGREGATION, ASSEMBLY, THE BODY OF C...

Jesus, the christ

Jesus, the christ HISTORY OFGenealogy of Matthew 1:1-17 ; Luke 3:23-38 Facts before the birth ofThe angel Gabriel appears to Mary (at Nazareth) ...

2 Corinthians 8:9

Overview - 2?Corinthians 8 1?He stirs them up to a liberal contribution for the poor saints at Jerusalem, by the example of the Macedonians; 7?by com...

Titles and names of saints

Titles and names of saints Believers Acts 5:14 ; 1?Timothy 4:12 Beloved of God Romans 1:7 Beloved brethren 1?Corinthians 15:58 ; James 2...


ASCENSION a-sen'-shun: Most modern Lives of Christ commence at Bethlehem and end with the Ascension, but Christ's life began earlier and continued la...


BUILDER bild'-er (banah; oikodomeo, technites): To build, builder, ete, are in the Old Testament commonly the translation of banah, to build, occurri...

Exodus 32

Chapter 3232:10? Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them: and I will make of thee a great nati...


Alliances. [N]On the first establishment of the Hebrews in Palestine no connections were formed between them and the surrounding nations. But with th...

Joshua 7:21

Overview - Joshua 7 1?The Israelites are smitten at Ai. 6?Joshua's complaint. 10?God instructs him what to do. 16?Achan is taken by the lot. 19?His c...

Song of Solomon 8:1

Song of Solomon 8:1 O that thou [wert] as my brother Or, who will give thee as a brother to me? F17 an usual form of wishing, ( Deuteronomy 5:29 ) ( J...


God [T] [B] [E] [S]Appearances ofTo Adam Genesis 3:8-21 To Abraham Genesis 18:2-33 To Jacob, at Beth-el Genesis 35:7 Genesis 35:9 To Moses, ...

Titus 1

Chapter 11:3? But hath in due times manifested his word through preaching, which is committed unto me according to the commandment of God our Saviour;...


Covetousness [N] [B] [E] Comes from the heart Mark 7:22 Mark 7:23 Engrosses the heart Ezekiel 33:31 ; 2?Peter 2:14 Is idolatry Ephesians ...


Idolatry [N] [T] [S]image-worship or divine honour paid to any created object. Paul describes the origin of idolatry in Romans 1:21-25 : men forsook ...

The Heidelberg Catechism

Q1: What is thy only comfort in life and death? That I with body and soul, both in life and death, ( rom 14:7 rom 14:8 ) am not my own, ( 1?Corinthia...

1 Thessalonians 5

Chapter 55:8? But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. salvat...


Defilement [N] Forbidden to the Jews Leviticus 11:44 Leviticus 11:45 THINGS LIABLE TO CEREMONIAL The person Leviticus 5:3 Garments Levit...


Elder [N] [B] [S]a name frequently used in the Old Testament as denoting a person clothed with authority, and entitled to respect and reverence ( Gene...