Search Results for kings ii 3:14

Found 114 Results for kings ii 3:14
Sermon CXXV

SERMON CXXV. PREACHED AT ST. PAUL'S CROSS, NOVEMBER 22, 1629. Matthew xi. 6. And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me'. These ar...

Esther 9

Chapter?9We left two royal edicts in force, both given at the court of Shushan, one bearing date the thirteenth day of the first month, appointing tha...

1 Samuel 2

Chapter?2In this chapter we have, I. Hannah?s song of thanksgiving to God for his favour to her in giving her Samuel (v.?1-10). II. Their return to th...

1 Kings 8

Chapter?8The building and furniture of the temple were very glorious, but the dedication of it exceeds in glory as much as prayer and praise, the work...

Isaiah 6

Chapter 6Hitherto, it should seem, Isaiah had prophesied as a candidate, having only a virtual and tacit commission; but here we have him (if I may so...

Job 38

Chapter?38In most disputes the strife is who shall have the last word. Job?s friends had, in this controversy, tamely yielded it to Job, and then he t...

Appendix II

by Alfred Edersheim 1876 Appendix 2 Extracts from the Babylon Talmud Massecheth Berachoth, or Tractate on Benedictions Berachoth is the first Tr...

Isaiah 8

Chapter 8This chapter, and the four next that follow it (to chap. 13) are all one continued discourse or sermon, the scope of which is to show the gre...

Deuteronomy 32

Chapter?32In this chapter we have, I. The song which Moses, by the appointment of God, delivered to the children of Israel, for a standing admonition ...

2 Peter 1

Chapter?1In this chapter we have, I. An introduction, or preface, making way for, and leading to, what is principally designed by the apostle (v.?1-4)...


SALVATION sal-va'-shun: I. IN THE OLD TESTAMENT 1. General 2. Individualism 3. Faith 4. Moral Law 5. Sacrifices 6. Ritual Law II. INTERMEDIATE...

Chapter 6

CHAPTER 6* Moses And Aaron Deliver Their Message To Pharaoh - Increased Oppression Of Israel - Discouragement Of Moses - Aaron Shows A Sign - General...

Chapter 12


Judges 11

Chapter?11This chapter gives as the history of Jephthah, another of Israel?s judges, and numbered among the worthies of the Old Testament, that by fai...

Luke 19

Chapter?19In this chapter we have, I. The conversion of Zaccheus the publican at Jericho (v.?1-10). II. The parable of the pounds which the king entru...

Judges 6

Chapter?6Nothing that occurred in the quiet and peaceable times of Israel is recorded; the forty years? rest after the conquest of Jabin is passed ove...

Job 34

Chapter?34Elihu, it is likely, paused awhile, to see if Job had any thing to say against his discourse in the foregoing chapter; but he sitting silent...

Chapter 18

CHAPTER 18 OF THE POPISH MASS. HOW IT NOT ONLY PROFANES, BUT ANNIHILATES THE LORD'S SUPPER. The principal heads of this chapter are,--I. The abominat...

Matthew 27

Chapter?27It is a very affecting story which is recorded in this chapter concerning the sufferings and death of our Lord Jesus. Considering the thing ...

Luke 10

Chapter?10In this chapter we have, I. The ample commission which Christ gave to the seventy disciples to preach the gospel, and to confirm it by mirac...