Search Results for "end of the law" or "end of the commandment"

Found 827 Results for "end of the law" or "end of the commandment"
Illustration: Legalism, Self-Righteousness

"All groups of human beings have a tendency to be exclusive; they want to know who is inside and who is out. So they adopt identity markers—visible practices of dress, vocabulary or behavior that serv...


Have you seen those little books that say, "You might be a redneck if"? Well, I've put together a little list for us here, just to check us out. You may have a "me" addiction if you have, let's say in...


A dying man who was living in great fear of death asked his minister if he knew exactly what heaven was like. The minister replied that he did not know exactly what heaven’s like. The sick man replied...

To Illustrate: Empathy/Sympathy

Harold and Don Reid, two of the legendary Statler Brothers, tell a wonderful story in their book Random Memories. ...

Forgiveness / Reconcilliation

Mitsuo Fuchida flew the lead plane and led of the attack against Pearl Harbor. He was the sole survivor of the seven commanders and squadron leaders he led. Among his adventures were six crashes at...

Conversion, Salvation

A little girl was visiting her grandmother one beautiful spring morning. They walked out into grandmother's flower garden. As grandmother was inspecting the progress of her flowers the little girl dec...

Illustration: Marriage, Vision

Marriage partners are a matter of perspective, which become our realities....

An Alphabet of Grace

A 26-word parade of hope: beginning with God, ending with life, and urging us to do the same. Brief enough to write on a napkin or memorize in a moment, yet solid enough to weather two thousand years ...

Sincerity / Honesty

The news recently carried the story from Florida of a baby cat born with two faces. It is not certain how long the cat will live, although it had begun taking nourishment which was a good sign. Seve...

Anger & Character

The coach of a Buffalo little league team called one of his players over to him and said that he would like to explain some of the principles of sportsmanship. He said, "We don't believe in temper tan...

Tested Faith

Mistakes Think you're the only one that's made mistakes? Hardly. Imagine if you had been the president of a Michigan bank who advised Henry Ford's lawyer not to invest in the new motor company, assuri...

The Expository Method

"It is, perhaps, an overbold beginning, but I will venture to say that with its preaching, Christianity stands or falls." – P.T. Forsyth...

Biotechnology & Ethics

In the Oct. 21 issue of The Wall Street Journal, Alan Murray talks about a recent report of the President's Council on Bioethics. The report makes it clear that technological innovations present signi...


Edith Schaeffer once observed, "It is so important not to waste what is precious by spending all one's time and emotion on fretting or complaining over what one does not have." ...

Preaching by Lectionary

The heart of preaching is found in the interplay between the preacher coming to God’s Word in Scripture and then bringing people to God’s Word......

Glorifying God in our Christmas Shopping

The victory over worldliness cannot be won by conforming to a list of rules. The battle is won through the power of the gospel applied to our daily choices....

Illustration: Compassion, Service

On May 2, 1962, a dramatic advertisement appeared in the San Francisco Examiner: “I don't want my husband to die in the gas chamber for a crime he did not commit. I will therefore offer my services fo...


Far too often, Christians are like the man who met an old friend and asked, “How’s everything with you?” The other man said, “Terrible. You know my wife just died.” The first man said, “Well, it could...


An item by Sally Cunnech in Leadership magazine illustrates the importance of giving attention to needs, not just to numbers. She wrote, "During World War II, economist E.F. Schumacher, then a young s...


Are we true to our mates? Or do we just SAY we are? About a third (39% of men, 27% of women) of USA TODAY readers responding to a living in the USA survey say they've had an extramarital affair. "My g...