Search Results for "my power" and "the might"

Found 3692 Results for "my power" and "the might"
4 Courageous Women Who Followed God with Boldness

Kirstyn Mayden

We hear a lot about the male heroes in the Bible, but there are also plenty of stories of courageous women. Their bravery, leadership and faith in God can encourage both men and women today as they fa...

Seasonal Depression? 4 Tips to Encourage You This Winter

Kirstyn Mayden

Whether you are currently dealing with seasonal depression or have done so in the past, there is good news! God is present with you and you are not alone. There are numerous opportunities, and resourc...

How Do We See God’s Love in Action through Jacob and Rachel’s Love Story?

Jessica Brodie

God has a plan that He will fulfill despite our all-too-human orchestrations, manipulations, and petty jealousies. Despite Rachel and Leah’s sisterly squabbles and the addition of two more wives into ...

Should Christians Still Use the Romans Road to Salvation?

Britt Mooney

The Romans Road to Salvation is an iconic evangelistic model. But where did it come from? And should Christians use it today?...

What Is a Revival?

Jessica Brodie

Put simply, a revival is typically a gathering of Christians that reflects an urgent and bold spiritual awakening, where hearts and lives are transformed and people commit themselves anew to following...

5 Lessons from Mary the Mother of Christ in Trusting God

Kirstyn Mayden

Mary, Jesus' mother, is an almost larger-than life figure. But in reality, she faced many of the same doubts, fears and uncertainties as we do today. Here are five lessons from her story in the Bible,...

7 Traits of a Gospel-Centered Good Samaritan

Sheila Alewine

The story of the Good Samaritan has been told and retold for centuries as an example of how to care for others and meet their needs in obedience to Jesus’ command to love God with all our heart, soul,...

10 Common Idols in Our Lives and How to Resist Them

Jennifer Slattery

Idolatry. This ancient yet modern sin fuels countless heartaches and frustrations. It destroys jobs and relationships and distances us from God, the only One worthy of worship. The only One able to ...

What Does the Bible Say about Magic, and Is It Really That Serious?

Michael Jakes

Magic and things supernatural are real, and they can have a lasting effect on the unsaved and unsuspecting of any age. The world would have us believe that there can be no residual effe...

Did Jesus Really Say 'Woman Behold Your Son' on the Cross?

Britt Mooney

 Did Jesus really say, “Woman behold your son” as he was dying? If so, was he talking about himself or giving final directions?...

Was the Promised Land Really Flowing with Milk and Honey?

Hope Bolinger

Throughout the Bible, the Promised Land of Israel, Jerusalem, is described as a land flowing with milk and honey. In many ways, that was symbolic for prosperity and joy. But was it also literal? Just ...

7 Inspiring Things to Know about the Song of Moses

Bethany Verrett

As recorded in his last book, Deuteronomy, towards the end of his life, Moses composed a song, inspired by God, to give to the people of Israel. ...

5 Encouraging Prayers for the Exhausted Mom

Kirstyn Mayden

God continues to lead, guide, and strengthen us during whatever season of motherhood we are in. We are equipped with all we need to live out our specific assignment as mothers. Whether you are nursing...

7 Facts About the Second Coming of Jesus

DiAne Gates

Jesus listed certain signs in the 24th chapter of Matthew which would signal the end of the age and His soon return to set up His millennial kingdom on planet earth. The Old and New Testaments record ...

What Does the Bible Tell Us about Armageddon?

Michael Jakes

This gathering will culminate with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, for it is at Armageddon that the short and diabolical reign of the Antichrist, who deceived the nations, will come to an abrupt an...

How Can I Pray for My Non-Believing Friends and Family?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Jesus has revealed our sins and has forgiven every one of them. How very humbling. Pray for your non-believing family and friends to see how He has changed you! Good Lord willing, God will draw them t...

What Does It Mean That Jesus Holds the Keys of Death and Hades?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Though death is genuine, Christ, by His death and resurrection, claimed victory over it. We who love and cherish Him need have no fear of those who kill the body (Matthew 10:28). In that very moment o...

10 Bible Verses of Renewal and Hope

Debbie McDaniel

The Bible is filled with words of hope and encouragement. Jesus Christ came to the Earth, died on the cross, and rose again to make all things new and to offer hope for any situation we face. When yo...

Life-Changing Significance of Jesus’ Words When He Says ‘I Am the Resurrection and the Life’

Melissa Henderson

Jesus spoke ‘I am’ statements. ‘I am the resurrection and the life’ is one of those statements (John 11:25)....