Search Results for genesis 4

Found 8795 Results for genesis 4
Genesis 21:10

Overview - Genesis 21 1?Isaac is born, and circumcised. 6?Sarah's joy. 8?Isaac is weaned. 9?Hagar and Ishmael are cast forth. 15?Hagar in distress....


Jacob [B] [E] [H] [S]Son of Isaac, and the twin brother of Esau Genesis 25:24-26 ; Joshua 24:4 ; 1?Chronicles 1:34 ; Acts 7:8 Ancestor of Jesus ...


Polytheism General scriptures concerning Genesis 31:19 ; Genesis 35:2 Genesis 35:4 ; Joshua 24:2 Joshua 24:23 ; Judges 2:13 ; 3:7 ; 10:16 ; ...

Matthew 1:3

Overview - Matthew 1 1?The genealogy of Christ from Abraham to Joseph. 18?He is miraculously conceived of the Holy Ghost by the Virgin Mary, when she ...

Genesis 26:4

Overview - Genesis 26 1?Isaac, because of famine, sojourns in Gerar, and the Lord instructs and blesses him. 7?He is reproved by Abimelech for denyin...

Genesis 47:12

Overview - Genesis 47 1?Joseph presents his father, and five of his brethren before Pharaoh. 11?He gives them habitation and maintenance. 13?He gets t...

Isaiah 7:14

Overview - Isaiah 7 1?Ahaz, being troubled with fear of Rezin and Pekah, is comforted by Isaiah. 10?Ahaz, having liberty to choose a sign, and refusin...

Genesis 40:4

Overview - Genesis 40 1?The chief butler and baker of Pharaoh being imprisoned, Joseph is charged with them. 5?He interprets their dreams. 20?They ar...

Proverbs 18:22

Treasury of Scripture KnowledgeProverbs 18:22??(King James Version)Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD. ?finde...

Genesis 43:4

Overview - Genesis 43 1?Jacob is hardly persuaded to send Benjamin. 15?Joseph entertains his brethren. 19?They discover their fears to the steward. 26...

Ezekiel 16:11

Overview - Ezekiel 16 1?Under the similitude of a wretched infant is shewn the natural state of Jerusalem. 6?God's extraordinary love towards her. 15...

Genesis 35:9

Overview - Genesis 35 1?God commands Jacob to go to Bethel. 2?He purges his house of idols. 6?He builds an altar at Bethel. 8?Deborah dies at Allon...

Deuteronomy 1:8

Treasury of Scripture KnowledgeDeuteronomy 1:8??(King James Version)Behold, I have set the land before you: go in and possess the land which the LORD ...

Genesis 48:9

Overview - Genesis 48 1?Joseph with his sons visits his sick father. 2?Jacob strengthens himself to bless them. 3?He repeats God's promise. 5?He ta...

Genesis 22:11

Overview - Genesis 22 1?Abraham is tempted to offer Isaac. 3?He gives proof of his faith and obedience. 11?The angel prevents him. 13?Isaac is exchan...

Genesis 27:14

Overview - Genesis 27 1?Isaac sends Esau for venison. 6?Rebekah instructs Jacob to obtain the blessing. 14?Jacob, feigning to be Esau, obtains it. 30...

Genesis 4:12

Overview - Genesis 4 1?The birth, occupation, and offering of Cain and Abel. 8?Cain murders his brother Abel. 11?The curse of Cain. 17?Has a son call...

Genesis 46:2

Overview - Genesis 46 1?Jacob is comforted by God at Beer-sheba. 5?Thence he with his company goes into Egypt. 8?The number of his family that went ...


Travellers Called way-faring men Judges 19:17 ; Isaiah 35:8 Preparations made by, alluded to Ezekiel 12:3 Ezekiel 12:4 Often collected toge...


Wells [T]The occasion of feudsBetween Abraham and Abimelech Genesis 21:25-30 Between Isaac and Abimelech Genesis 26:15-22 Genesis 26:32 Genesi...