Search Results for job 28

Found 150 Results for job 28
Is the Bible Trustworthy?

Bill Bright

Do you accept the Bible as absolute truth? Do you know the peace and blessing that comes from living its supernatural, life-transforming message?...

Trusting an Unchanging God, Part 2

God never changes. That's as comforting as it is sobering. Are there ways you've been turning to the wrong sources for answers and success instead of turning to God? I want to assure you that God will...

Who Are the Christmas Angels?

Pamela Palmer

They top our trees, adorn our yards, and may even stand proudly in your local department store. But the Bible has a lot to say about angels, and not just in the Christmas story. Who are these angelic ...

Why Is it Important That God Gave Adam and Eve a Third Child, Seth?

Connor Salter

Seth was the third son of Adam and Eve, born after his brother Cain had killed Abel. When Seth was born, Eve said, “God has granted me another child in place of Abel” (Genesis 4:26)....

Does It Matter How My Pastor Dresses on Sunday Morning?

Ashley Hooker

It is obvious that God likes variety because he made us in a variety of hair colors, skin colors, heights, talents, and personalities. The church should look like that too. Not all people will like or...

God's Promises: Scripture Truths to Cling To Every Day

Compiled & Edited by Crosswalk Editorial Staff

The Bible is full of promises - hundreds of truths for our faith to be founded on. And every one of those promises are for believers. All the promises have been fulfilled. Unfortunately, very few of u...

Does God Ever Change His Mind?

Changing our minds feels so natural to us as humans, it’s hard to envision life without it. But what would it mean for God to change his mind? Does he? Could he? Or are all his plans and purposes immu...

What Does it Mean That God's Love Is Unconditional?

R. Keith Whitt

God's love is not like the love expressed by many in our culture today: a love of convenience and ego. God's unconditional love never fails, endures forever, is uncalculating, and not motivated by pe...

10 Bible Verses to Pray over Your Children

Micah Maddox

We all want to know that what we are doing for our children makes an impact on their lives. There is nothing more powerful that you can do in the life of your child than pray for them. You can train...

What Are the Synoptic Gospels and Are They Contradictory?

Madison Hetzler

Matthew, Mark, and Luke, or the Synoptic Gospels, differ from John in that they closely mirror one another in their accounts. In these three gospels, we find similar wording, chronology, and Old Tes...

Is Jesus Preaching Legalism When He Says “if You Love Me, Keep My Commands”?

Mike Leake

This verse, I believe, is one which can be easily misunderstood. We can assume that Jesus is saying something like, “prove your love for me by obeying what I tell you to do.” We can develop a works-ba...

What Exactly Is Our Spirit?

Bethany Verrett

The spirit of a person was put in them so they could connect with God and be like Him. Just as part of God’s character is Spirit, people have spirit that endows on them the image of God....

Why is the Resurrection so Important?

The physical resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of redemption—both for mankind and for the earth. Indeed, without Christ’s resurrection and what it means—an eternal future for fully resto...

Why God Will Give You More Than You Can Handle

Jessica Brodie

Here, we take a look at why God will give you more than you can handle—and why this is a tremendously good thing....

Why Is Seventy Times Seven Still so Radical Today?

Connor Salter

Here is a look at what seventy times seven mean, and how it fits into the Bible’s teachings about sin, repentance, forgiveness, and rebuke....

You Can Choose to Turn Your Life Around

Frank Santora

God will give us wisdom and direction to make the right choice, but He doesn’t do the choosing. We are responsible for our choices and therefore our life experience. ...

Why Do We Remember John Bunyan Today?

Ken Curtis

How did John Buyan go from being a troublemaker to a preacher who wouldn't stop sharing God's message?...

How Can You Be Certain That Jesus Is God?

Meg Bucher

Jesus stands at the center of salvation, He is the author of freedom: “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36...

Why Is Babylon Famous in the Past and in the End Times?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Babylon in the Bible was an important city-state on the banks of the Euphrates River in Mesopotamia (the southern part of modern Iraq). ...

How Did George MacDonald Change Christian Literature?

G. Connor Salter

Who invented modern Christian fantasy? Many would say the answer is George MacDonald....