Search Results for matt 21-22

Found 147 Results for matt 21-22
Matthew 21

MATTHEW. CHAPTER XXI. Christ Entering Jerusalem. SUMMARY.--The Lord Leaves Bethany to Enter Jerusalem. The Charge to the Two Disciples. The Fulf...

Chapter III

It has been already remarked that the purpose of God in redemption from the beginning looked beyond individuals, beyond families, to a nation. In the ...

Sermon 33

Sermon 33. THE NATURE AND BLESSEDNESS OF SONSHIP WITH GOD. -. John in. 1, 2.?-Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we ...

Chapter I


Chapter III

CHAPTER III. CREDIBILITY OF THE SCRIPTURES. Grotius: De Veritate Religionis Christianae; Translated by Clarke. Neander: Life of Christ. Christlieb: ...

Chapter 4

by Alfred Edersheim 1876 Chapter 4 Travelling in Palestine?, Inns, Hospitality, Custom-House Officers, Taxation, Publicans It was the very busies...

Homily 13

Homily XIII.Homily XIII. Hebrews vii. 11-14.-If therefore perfection were by(1) the Levitical priesthood; (for under it the people have received the l...

Chapter I

This exhortation is not only found here in the text, but is in several other places of the Scripture pressed, and that with much vehemency, upon the ...

Book I

OF THE OBJECT OF WORSHIP. TWO things are to be observed and considered,?That the Lord God is the object of worship,?that he alone is the object of w...

Chapter VI

CHAPTER VI THE DIVINE DECREES. Augustine: De predestinatione; Epistola CXOIV., Ad Sixtum. Anselm: Concordia praescientiae et praedestinationis. Calv...

Homily XLVIII.

Homily XLVIII.Homily XLVIII. ACTS XXII. 17-20.-And it came to pass, that, when I was come again to Jerusalem, even while I prayed in the temple, I was...

Sexuality, Human

Sexuality, Human Foundations This essay is based on the following premises: (1) Those functions founded in the unfallen created order that God proclai...

Psalms, Theology of

Psalms, Theology of The Book of Psalms is a sizable collection of musical poems and prayers of diverse authorship and form. Psalms are independent lit...

Homily XXII.

Homily XXII.Homily XXII. ACTS X. 1-4.-There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian band, a devout ...

Homily XI.

Homily XI.Homily XI. Colossians iv. 5, 6.-Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. Let your speech be always with grace, seaso...

Homily XXXI.

Homily XXXI.Homily XXXI. ACTS XIV. 14, 15.-Which when the Apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard of, they rent their clothes, and ran in among the people,...

Paul the Apostle

Paul the Apostle Life. Paul's exact date of birth is unknown. It is reasonable to surmise that he was born within a decade of Jesus' birth. He died, p...

Homily III.

Homily III.Homily III. VERSES. 15-20.-For this cause I also, having heard of the faith in the Lord Jesus, which is among you, and which ye show toward...

Samuel, First and Second, Theology of

Samuel, First and Second, Theology of 1-2 Samuel appears midway through the sequence of the Old Testament books that narrate the flow of Israel's hist...

Homily VII.

Homily VII.Homily VII. ROM. III. 9-18.-What then have we more(1) than they?(2) For we have proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin....