Search Results for seed promise* abraham*

Found 965 Results for seed promise* abraham*
Psalm 112:2

?EXPOSITION Verse 2. His seed shall be mighty upon earth, that is to say, successive generations of God fearing men shall be strong and influential in...

2 Corinthians 11:22

2 Corinthians 11:22 Are they Hebrews? so am I The nation of the Jews were called Hebrews, not from Abraham, as some have F23 thought, through ignoranc...

Ezekiel 33:24

Ezekiel 33:24 Son of man, they that inhabit those wastes of the land of Israel The places which were laid waste by Nebuchadnezzar's army, going and re...

Twenty-seventh Day

Twenty-seventh Day. 0 THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST. ?f|e Spirit tijrougfj tfattfi. 'Christ hath redeemed us from the curse, that upon Ox Gentiles might c...

Ezekiel 20:15

Ezekiel 20:15 Yet also I lifted up mine hand unto them in the wilderness, &c.] Swore unto them, as in ( Ezekiel 20:5 Ezekiel 20:6 ) ; that I would no...

Romans 4:5

Overview - Romans 4 1?Abraham's faith was imputed to him for righteousness; 10?before he was circumcised. 13?By faith only he and his seed received th...

Romans 4:6

Overview - Romans 4 1?Abraham's faith was imputed to him for righteousness; 10?before he was circumcised. 13?By faith only he and his seed received th...

Romans 4:15

Overview - Romans 4 1?Abraham's faith was imputed to him for righteousness; 10?before he was circumcised. 13?By faith only he and his seed received th...

Romans 4

Chapter?4 The doctrine of justification by faith is shown by the case of Abraham. (1-12) He received the promise through the righteousness of faith. ...

Genesis 17

Chapter?17This chapter contains articles of agreement covenanted and concluded upon between the great Jehovah, the Father of mercies, on the one part,...


\\INTRODUCTION TO GALATIANS 3\\ In this chapter the apostle reproves the Galatians for their disobedience to the Gospel, and departure from it; conf...

Romans 4

Chapter?4The great gospel doctrine of justification by faith without the works of the law was so very contrary to the notions the Jews had learnt from...

Genesis 12

Chapter 1212:1? Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I w...

Psalm 105:9

?EXPOSITION Verse 9. Which covenant he made with Abraham. When the victims were divided and the burning lamp passed between the pieces (Gen. 15.) then...

Romans 4:17

Overview - Romans 4 1?Abraham's faith was imputed to him for righteousness; 10?before he was circumcised. 13?By faith only he and his seed received th...

Romans 4:25

Overview - Romans 4 1?Abraham's faith was imputed to him for righteousness; 10?before he was circumcised. 13?By faith only he and his seed received th...

Galatians 3:9

Galatians 3:9 So then they which be of faith This is the apostle's conclusion upon the whole, from the instance of Abraham, and, the promise made to h...

Matthew 1:2

Matthew 1:2 Abraham begat Isaac The descent of Christ from Abraham is in the line of Isaac; Abraham begat Ishmael before Isaac, and others after him, ...

Genesis 15

Chapter?15 God encourages Abram. (1) The Divine promise, Abraham is justified by faith. (2-6) God promises Canaan to Abraham for an inheritance. (7-1...

Duration of the Sojourn in Egypt

Duration of the Sojourn in Egypt Moses says the sojourning of the children in Israel was four hundred thirty years ( Exodus 12:40 Exodus 12:41 ), bu...