Search Results for 1 john 1

Found 173 Results for 1 john 1
Theological Thoughts from a Thunderstorm

Thunderstorms are threatening, but the theology surrounding them can be thrilling! The term theological refers to something that is of or pertaining to the field of theology. Theology is the study of ...

Illustration: Discipline to Run the Race

Athletes often have a perseverance and determination Christian should envy....

Illustration: Christmas, Incarnation

Back in 1891, Robert Louis Stevenson, author of such classics as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Kidnapped, gave a rather odd gift to the daughter of a friend of his. This friend, Henry Ide, once joked th...

Overcoming Temptation

Donald Grey Barnhouse, who was pastor for many years of the Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, once told of a young man he knew who was dating a woman many of his friends thought was not worth...

Glorifying God in our Christmas Shopping

The victory over worldliness cannot be won by conforming to a list of rules. The battle is won through the power of the gospel applied to our daily choices....

Guard Your Heart

Matthew 5:27-32...

Finding the Timeless Truth

Somewhere in the process of sermonizing the preacher must turn up the heat on the passage and himself and discover the timeless, universal truth that remains...

Preaching and the House Church Movement

House Church. For pastors, the mere term once conjured up images of angry men and women gathered around a kitchen table, condemning the misĀ­takes and failures of the traditional church they had left f...

What to Say...When You've Said It All

How does one approach the final sermons in a church before resignation? After having to deal with this challenge a few times, let me make a few observations. ...

Humility, Ambition, Service

"Horville had a very humble job in the offices of the largest corporation of the world. He worked as the gofer in the lowest reaches of the building doing what he could to help other people do...

When Pastors Fail to Practice what they Preach

Prior to the revelations concerning Teg Haggard, Ray Pritchard received an email from a woman distraught about repeated pastoral problems in her local church. Her words speak for multitudes who have b...

Preaching as Dialogue

Moving Beyond the "Speaching" of the Word...