Search Results for am 16

Found 546 Results for am 16
Do Christians Need Both Testaments of the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed, and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. You can’t have one without the other to come to as full an understanding of Scripture (and Him) a...

4 Amazing Things We Can Learn from the Woman at the Well

Stephanie Englehart

Just as the Samaritan woman did not fully understand who Jesus was at first, we also need Jesus to open our eyes to the reality of who He is. It is only in Jesus that we will be saved from our sins an...

What Do We Know about the Ishmaelites?

Mike Leake

In accordance with God's guidance, Abraham sent Hagar and Ishmael into the wilderness. The Bible recounts that God, in His mercy, provided for Ishmael and promised to make a great nation from his desc...

What Freedom from Sin Really Looks Like

Debbie W. Wilson

We have been conditioned to submit to sin. Before we came to Christ, sin controlled our thoughts, emotions, and actions. And while Romans 6 says believers “have been set free from sin,” many of us bel...

Why Is it Important that Jesus Gave His Followers Peace When He Left Them?

Tammy Kennington

Jesus’s gift was intangible and of incalculable value. John 14:27 (NIV) explains, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.”...

Is It True That "God Desires for All Men to Be Saved"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

What can creep into people’s thoughts is, “What about truly evil people?” While on the surface this can seem like a very logical question, there is a recognition missing from it. There is an assumptio...

What Are the Gates of Hell Jesus Talked About?

Maddy Rager

Anyone who has been around Christian culture for some time has heard, “the gates of hell will not prevail.” But does this phrase mean Jesus wanted the church to attack the gates of hell, or something ...

10 Tips for Building Faithful Habits

Lisa Loraine Baker

Have you decided to begin or renew a particular Christian habit? Proverbs 4:7 tells us wisdom is the skillful application of knowledge. There is a moral component to it as well. Know who you are befor...

Did God Condone Violence Found in the Old Testament?

Jessica Brodie

Reading the Old Testament with an eye on the New Testament indicates another perspective about the violence throughout the earth’s earlier days. We know God’s ultimate plan involves rescuing His peopl...

What Are the Four Types of Loves?

Heather Adams

The phrase The Four Loves came from the title of a 1960 book penned by C.S. Lewis. Based on a set of radio talks he’d done two years earlier, the book presents and then explores the notion that humans...

40 Bible Verses about Prayer to Encourage You

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

We all need to know prayer Bible verses. Prayer is the way in which we communicate with God, and he wants to get to know us better. Bible verses about prayer are great if you want to know how to pray....

Why Does Hebrews 13:6 Say "The Lord Is My Helper, I Will Not Fear"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Hebrews 13:6 does not mean you won’t have trouble in this life. It means, just like this verse in John, that when you have trouble, you don’t have to be afraid. You can have peace amid life’s most dif...

20 Great Bible Verses for Kids to Memorize

Jessica Udall

The best time to start reading the Bible with your child is when they are in the womb. The second best time is today! We have been known by God even before we were born and were created to know Him....

What Does the Bible Say about Ancestor Worship?

Bethany Verrett

The Bible is clear that only God is worthy of worship and praise, and Christians have a calling and a responsibility to share the Gospel with the people of the world who are still deceived by the prac...

5 Comforting Psalms for When We Worry

Kirstyn Mayden

Times are tough for so many of us right now. Whether it's financial trouble, health concerns, or anxiety over political issues and current events, there is plenty to worry about. 1 Peter 5:7 says to c...

5 Prayers of Gratitude to Encourage Thankfulness All Year

Kirstyn Mayden

November rings in the holidays and the season of thankfulness. But the Bible tells us that we should give thanks every day of the year! That can feel like a big ask sometimes, but whether it feels eas...

What Will We Do in Heaven?

Jason Soroski

Heaven really is forever, and we will spend that eternity in a place of perfect joy, peace, rest, and hope. It is a house unlike any we have seen before. We will never have to wait for something to ha...

Hebrews 11 Reminds Us – Look to the Reward

Emma Danzey

Faith pleases God. When we come to Him in prayer and in life, we have to believe that He is there and He is who He claims to be. Already in this verse we see the word reward. God rewards those who ear...

What Makes the Great Commission So Great?

Michael Jakes

In Matthew 28, Jesus commands his disciples to “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obe...