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Found 207 Results for country
Why Did the People Welcome Jesus to Jerusalem at Palm Sunday?

Bethany Verrett

The people were celebrating the arrival of a man they believed fulfilled important religious prophecy, and who could usher in peace and redemption. Prior to this moment, there had been other people wh...

The Old Testament Is Filled with Fulfilled Prophecy

Jim Wallace

There are many ways to verify the reliability of scripture -- perhaps the most persuasive argument can be found in the area of prophecy....

Why Would God Want to Use Me?

We are like Abraham. There is nothing in us to commend us to God. And yet God loves us. Just as He sought Abraham, He seeks to draw us into fellowship with Himself....

9 Powerful Reminders from the Miracle at the Red Sea

Debbie McDaniel

You may be facing your own Red Sea moment this week. But let these 9 powerful reminders give you renewed hope in our all-powerful God....

4 Reminders from Psalm 27 to Build a Courageous Faith

Ashley Hooker

We are living in difficult times, physically, spiritually, and for many, emotionally. But the Psalms are never shy about tackling big emotions. Much like us, King David also faced challenges and pain....

What Is Greed and How Do I Know if I'm Greedy?

April Motl

Scripture doesn’t specifically define greed. In America, we often relegate greed as some abstract quality only the uber rich are guilty of. The rest of us just “want” stuff…...

The True Story of Praise Through Pain in "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day"

Bethany Pyle

Among the thousands (millions?) of Christmas songs in the world, "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" is rather lesser-known. But the song, penned while the Civil Way ravaged the country, is a stark r...

7 Things to Know about the Place Jesus Was Born

Annette Griffin

How did Mary and Joseph find themselves so far from their hometown of Nazareth at a time so close to Mary’s delivery? The explanation begins with Caesar Augustus, the Emperor of Rome, who ruled from 2...

How Can We Have an Eternal Mindset Here on Earth?

Ed Jarrett

It is a mindset that understands the physical world is not all there is. There is a greater reality that is unknowable to our human senses. This greater reality, particularly the kingdom of God, is re...

How Can We Grow Spiritual Fruit?

Jeannie Myers

The Bible uses a lot of fruit metaphors. Paul encourages believers to "bear fruit," Jesus calls himself the vine and us the branches, even the Old Testament includes a list of Fruit of the Spirit. But...

Was Ahab Truly the Evilest King in Israel's History?

Connor Salter

Ahab was a king of Israel, first mentioned in 1 Kings 16. At this point in history, the nation of Israel had split into two separate countries—one called Israel containing ten tribes and one call...

What is Glossolalia and is it Biblical?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Glossolalia is a 19th-century term extrapolated from the Greek word, glossa, which is the word Peter used in this passage. Glossa means “tongue” (in this case it means language). ...

5 Things to Know about God’s Promise to Abraham

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The beautiful thing about God is he has not changed. His promises have not changed either. He is still the promise keeper and most of all he can be trusted. Abraham trusted God’s promise and though he...

What Does an Evangelist Look Like Today?

Heather Adams

In Scripture, the title of evangelist is usually applied to the Apostles. And they truly did devote their lives to telling everyone they could about our Lord. But according to Matthew 28:19-20, this i...

3 Incredible Stories from Women in Missions

Rachel Britton

Here are the stories of three women missionaries who strongly sensed God’s calling to “go.” They persevered when faced with challenging situations to follow through on their calling. Often their paths...

Why Did God Choose Israel to Be His Chosen People?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The fact that they are referred to as God’s chosen people forces you to ask the question why did God choose Israel to be his chosen people? I pray these reasons I share with you will help you understa...

10 Examples of Feminine Courage from Women in the Bible

Rachel Lehner

These women of the Bible knew the greatness of their God and had a boldness of speech to match....

4 Risky Paths to Denying Jesus

Michael Jakes

When we read about Peter denying Jesus after the rooster crowed, we are often quick to think "God, I'm glad I'm not like that!" But when we take a long, hard look at our hearts, we realize that it is ...

Is Streaming Church Online as Beneficial as Attending in Person?

Rick Kirby

As our culture becomes obsessed with safety and comfort, online church will likely become an excepted concession. However, if you're able to attend corporate worship, but continue to only embrace onli...