Search Results for created made man earth

Found 215 Results for created made man earth
How El Roi Helps Us Deal with Anger

Frank Santora

And let’s be real, one of the emotions we often feel stirring up in our hearts when we believe God sees everything, is anger that, if He sees it all – all the tragedy, all the needless suffering – the...

5 Things to Remember about Soli Deo Gloria

Stephanie Englehart

Because we were created from God’s glory, for His glory, there is no greater joy on earth than giving God glory (1 Peter 1:8)....

The God Who Provides

Do you see spiritual things clearly? Or is your vision of God and His will for your life clouded by spiritual cataracts or near-sightedness brought on by an unhealthy preoccupation with things?...

What Does the Bible Say about Fasting?

Meg Bucher

Right alongside prayer, fasting is how we grow closer to our great God. We celebrate Jesus’ victory over death here on earth but look forward to the immensity of His presence upon His return....

How 400 Years of Silence Paved the Way for the Messiah

Bethany Verrett

Just because God was not speaking at that time does not mean this was an uneventful period in Israel’s history. Though He was not speaking, God was working all things out for His glory and for the sal...

God's Antidote to Worry

Frank Santora

Our antidote to the toxic effects of worry is the finding the peace of God. This peace is supernatural, and protects us when the enemy attacks. It is far superior to any peace the world can offer, and...

Spiritual Warfare: Understanding Satan's Strategies 

Tonilee Adamson | Bobbye Brooks

The more we learn the truths concerning spiritual warfare, the more prepared we can be to fight and to be victorious. In furthering our knowledge of spiritual warfare, this lesson addresses the strate...

Who Is Jehu in the Bible?

Meg Bucher

Not all of the kings of Israel and Judah were fully corrupt. Jehu was one such king, who was obedient to God in dismantling the wicked King Ahab, whose evil queen Jezebel was known for leading him ast...

Seeking the Gospel in Malachi, the Last Book of the Old Testament

Mike Leake

Malachi, like so many other places within the Old Testament, tells us about the truth of the human condition. We are rebellious people. And even the pain of exile and the joy of being brought back fro...

What Does it Truly Mean to Be a Child of God?

Britt Mooney

What does it mean to be called children of God?  The exploration of these questions is life-changing for us, too. ...

Who Is Tamar in the Bible and Why Is She Important?

Meg Bucher

Discover the significance of Tamar in the Bible and what we can learn from her biblical story....

Is It True That "the Heart Is Deceitful above All Things"?

Jessica Brodie

The concept of listening to our hearts — trusting our minds, our inclinations, our intuitions — when it comes to decision-making is foolish. Instead of trusting our ways, which are false and misguided...

How Can We Face Suffering and Death Like Jesus?

Ruth Clemence

Our world has been broken by sin and is marred by suffering and pain. Whether it's a stubbed toe or a global catastrophe, we will all experience pain in some form. So what is a believer to do when the...

Who Was Cyrus in the Bible, the Man Who Allowed Israel to Rebuild?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

Cyrus in the Bible has, in recent years, been referenced frequently by prominent Christian leaders and by the media. ...

What Is Gluttony, and Is it a Sin?

Bethany Verrett

When we think of the "Seven Deadly Sins," some honestly seem worse than others. But no one wants to be considered a glutton. The image many of us have of a gluttonous person, or one who overindulges i...

Yes, We Can Still See the Gospel in Lamentations

Mike Leake

It’s a tough read. At first glance it feels a bit like going on a long car ride with a Debbie downer. Page after page is filled with expressions of deep pain. At first glance a lament feels out of pla...

How to Find the Gospel among the Genealogies of 1 Chronicles

Mike Leake

While I’ll still readily acknowledge that those first few chapters of 1 Chronicles are tough sledding, the reality is that the gospel is here as well. It’s far more than a phone book. It isn’t a glori...

How Do We See the Gospel in the Book of Nehemiah?

Mike Leake

This heart change, as we read from the other prophets, would require a new covenant. Jesus, and His work of redemption, is what the “thud” in Nehemiah 13 is crying out for. Real “revival” only happens...

How Can Christians Follow the Second Commandment Today?

Meghan Trapp

What does the second commandment say? How it should inform our everyday lives?...

Where Is the Gospel amidst the Laws of Deuteronomy?

Mike Leake

Yes, Deuteronomy is filled with laws — but it is also book-ended by grace. It begins with a reminder as to why they are entering into the promised land and it ends with a promise of God’s gracious dea...