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Beauty & Gratitude

For 51 years Bob Edens was blind. He couldn't see a thing. His world was a black hall of sounds and smells. He felt his way through five decades of darkness. And then, he could see. A skilled surgeon ...

The Biggest Differences in Sermons and Delivery in the Past 20 Years

Joe McKeever

Here are five visible changes in sermons and sermon delivery we have observed over the past two decades....


I wrote my books because of a compulsion to make some record of a fascinating era in veterinary practice. I wanted to tell people what it was like to be an animal doctor in the days before penicillin ...

Loving Our Enemies: A Divine Task

This ordeal left him blind in one eye so he could not take part in contact sports. Miraculously he suffered no brain damage and was fearfully aware that his abductor was still at large. He struggled w...

Guard Your Heart

Matthew 5:27-32...

Man's Anger

I have heard that if a rattlesnake is cornered, it can become so frenzied that it will accidentally bite itself with its deadly fangs. In the same way, when a person harbors hatred and resentm...


Someone recently passed this story on to me. It is a story about two brothers. They lived on adjoining farms, but they had a deep quarrel. ...

Misunderstood Truth

It is easy to misunderstand the counsel we receive from others, isn't it? Charlie Stink was constantly being advised by his friends and co-workers that he should have his name changed. Finally he agre...


In an article in AARP magazine, Dolly Parton, legendary county singer, speaks of her dependence on prayer....

Illustration: Sin

In the devotional book My Heart -- Christ’s Home Through the Year, Rick Ezell wrote this: “In his book Fuzzy Memories, Jack Handey writes: ‘There used to be this bully who would demand my lunch money ...

Fighting the Battle for Integrity

You want to shock the world? Start here--demonstrating the guts to do what's right when no one is looking....

Illustration: Doubt

A defendant was on trial for murder. There was strong evidence indicating guilt, but there was no corpse. In the defense's closing statement, the lawyer, knowing his client probably would be convicted...

Superficial vs. Spiritual Wisdom

1 Corinthians 2:12-13 Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that is from God, so that we may understand the gifts bestowed on us by God. And we speak of these things in w...

Illustration: Making Wise Choices

We often think of the thou-shalt-nots, but God more often says yes to His children....

Illustration: Stewardship, Trust

In his book The Cycle of Victorious Giving (Beacon Hill Press), Stan Toler tells about the time when he was a college student and attended the annual missions conference at his church. ...

Illustration: Courage

The inimitable Dr. Seuss in his book, I Had Trouble Getting to Solla Sellew, wrote these simple words that can give us courage:...

Temptation: The Hardest Test You Will Ever Take

Matthew 4: 1-11 The challenge of taking tests starts rather early in......


The advertising slogan for the Louisiana tourist industry is, "Come as you are. Leave Different!" That could well be the slogan of the church. For years we have sung the great decision hymn, Just as I...


Publius, the Greek sage, said, "I have often regretted my speech, never my silence." ...