Search Results for joshua

Found 181 Results for joshua
20 Inspiring Baby Names Found in the Bible

Emma Danzey

As believers in Christ, the Bible is always a popular place to go to find inspiration for a child’s name. However, maybe you or a loved one is looking for something a little more outside of the box....

Do Christians Need Both Testaments of the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed, and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. You can’t have one without the other to come to as full an understanding of Scripture (and Him) a...

Interesting Facts about the Meaning & Importance of the Number 12 in the Bible

Hope Bolinger

Found 187 times in the Bible, the number 12 makes a special appearance in Revelation, showing the authority and perfection of God’s kingdom at last. Here are 12 things to know about 12 in the Bible....

What Does the Bible Say about Darkness?

Lisa Loraine Baker

From the darkness over the waters in Genesis 1 to the darkness overcome at the end of Revelation, the Bible is filled with discussions about darkness. But what does the Bible say about darkness, as a ...

Thy Kingdom Come: The Prayer that Changes the World

The Lord’s Prayer can be rote, or it can become a divine force unleashing God’s glorious blessing. How is “Thy kingdom come” a prayer that literally changes the world? Pray then like this: “Our Fat...

What Is the Will of God & How Should Christians Interpret It?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

You cannot separate the will of God in the believer’s life from the cross of Christ in His Son our Savior, Jesus Christ. Our lives follow the ruling motif of the cross of Christ. And in this we are sa...

Psalm 23 - Finding Our Good Shepherd's Peace & Promises in the Midst of Darkness

Dr. Michael A. Milton

God chose David to write this Psalm because God wanted to reveal Himself to His people as a shepherd, someone they could relate to. This famous psalm is God’s gift to the weary; God’s blessing to the...

What is Eschatology and Why Should Christians Care to Understand It?

Jessica Brodie

The Messiah, Jesus Christ, is precisely why it is important for Christians to be aware of eschatology, for the entire purpose of the Christ is wrapped up in God’s final plan for humanity. Jesus Christ...

What Does the Bible Say about Fear?

Blair Parke

The Bible has 365 reasons to “fear not,” so as you release your fear to God, or when you feel it creep back up into your mind, open the Bible and find these verses. ...

Why It Is Crucial That "You Shall Not Commit Adultery"

Bethany Verrett

The 10 Commandments established the law for Israel, and many if not all of these laws are still accepted by us today. Commands like "do not murder" or "do not lie" seem commonsense. But what about the...

Can You Boldly Say You Are "Not Ashamed of the Gospel"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The Apostle Paul had a conversion that was nothing short of miraculous. As Saul, he was infamous for oppressing the early church. But God convicted his heart and made him a powerful voice for the Gosp...

Gomer: An Unfaithful Woman with a Powerful Message

Ashley Hooker

Adultery is a sin God included in the Ten Commandments as something we should not do. Since this is the case, why would He want a man who lived for the Lord to marry a woman who commits this forbidden...

Is the Whole Bible about Jesus?

Ed Jarrett

So, is the whole Bible about Jesus? The answer to that depends on the level you are viewing it from. At a high level, I believe that the whole story arc is about Jesus and what he came to do. But at a...

Who Was Baal?

Bethany Verrett

An idol is inanimate. At best, worshipping a false god is worshipping a rock given a personality through human imagination. At worst, it is open rebellion against God by choosing to worship an evil en...

Where Do We Find the Gospel in the Book of Daniel?

Mike Leake

We see in Daniel that there is a kingdom, and a King, that is unshakeable. This is Christ for us, able to rescue us in our weakness. The people are in exile because of sin—and the narrative here is th...

Can We See the Gospel in 1 Kings?

Mike Leake

In some ways the story in 1 Kings (especially if we finish it up with 2 Kings) is the story of the Garden of Eden 2.0. It starts with God blessing humanity and putting them into a beautiful place. For...

Who Were the Minor Prophets?

Mike Leake

We might think that the Minor Prophets are less important than the Major Prophets. But that’s not what the word minor means here. “Minor” has more to do with their size and scope than it has to d...

What Does the Bible Say about Meditation?

Shelby Turner

Meditation and mindfulness are hot trends these days, but are these activities that Christians should be participating in? Or will "opening your mind" open it to the wrong sorts of things? W...

How Do We Find the Gospel in Old Testament Book of Hosea?

Mike Leake

God will need to rescue and redeem His bride from all of the awful decisions and covenants and relationships that she has made. But He will do it. He will buy her back. And this is what we see the Lor...

Why Were Judaizers Such Big Problems in the Early Church?

Stephen Baker

Judaizers were people (both ethnic Jews and Gentiles) who continued to adhere to the Jewish customs and laws after Christ’s salvific work. ...