Search Results for proverbs 29:2

Found 176 Results for proverbs 29:2

Punishments [S] Antiquity of Genesis 4:13 Genesis 4:14 Power of inflicting, given to magistrates Job 31:11 ; Romans 13:4 Designed to be a wa...

Missionaries, all Christians should be as

Missionaries, all Christians should be as After the example of Christ Acts 10:38 Women and children as well as men Psalms 8:2 ; Proverbs 31:2...

God continued...

God continued... GUIDE Genesis 12:1 ; Exodus 13:21 ; 15:13 ; 33:13-15 ; Numbers 10:33 ; Deuteronomy 32:10 Deuteronomy 32:12 ; 2?Samuel 22:29 ...


Iron [N] [E] [S] Dug out of the earth Job 28:2 DESCRIBED AS Strong and durable Job 40:18 ; Daniel 2:40 Fusible Ezekiel 22:20 Malleable ...


Predestination [B] [E]General scriptures concerning Genesis 21:12 Genesis 21:13 ; Exodus 9:16 ; 33:19 ; Deuteronomy 4:37 ; Deuteronomy 7:7 Deu...


Bread [N] [T] [S]among the Jews was generally made of wheat ( Exodus 29:2 ; Judg. 6:19 ), though also sometimes of other grains ( Genesis 14:18 ; Jud...


HEAP hep (`aremah, gal, nedh, tel): Heap appears (1) in the simple sense of a gathering or pile, as the translation of `aremah, a heap, in Ruth 3:7 ...

Ecclesiastes 5

CHAPTER 5 Ecclesiastes 5:1-20 . 1. From vanity connected with kings, he passes to vanities ( Ecclesiastes 5:7 ) which may be fallen into conv...


Infidelity General scriptures concerning Genesis 3:1 Genesis 3:4 ; Exodus 5:2 ; Exodus 14:11 Exodus 14:12 ; Exodus 16:3 Exodus 16:7 ; 17:7 ; ...

Memorial; Memory

MEMORIAL; MEMORY me-mo'-ri-al, mem'-o-ri ('azkarah, zekher, zekher, zikkaron; mnemosunon): Memorial as the translation of 'azkdrah is a sacrificial t...


SUFFERING suf'-er-ing: A great variety of Hebrew and Greek expressions, too large to be here enumerated, have been translated by suffering and other ...

Psalms 74

PSALM 74 Psalms 74:1-23 . If the historical allusions of Psalms 74:6-8 , &c., be referred, as is probable, to the period of the captivity, t...


God [T] [B] [E] [S]Appearances ofTo Adam Genesis 3:8-21 To Abraham Genesis 18:2-33 To Jacob, at Beth-el Genesis 35:7 Genesis 35:9 To Moses, ...


OIL oil (shemen; elaion): 1. Terms 2. Production and Storage 3. Uses (1) As a Commodity of Exchange (2) As a Cosmetic (3) As a Medicine (4) As ...

Ecclesiastes 7

CHAPTER 7 Ecclesiastes 7:1-29 . name--character; a godly mind and life; not mere reputation with man, but what a man is in the eyes of God, w...

Color; Colors

COLOR; COLORS kul'-er, kul'-erz: The word translated color in the King James Version is `ayin, which literally means eye or appearance, and has been ...

6.20. Proverbs

Pr. 1 Pr. 1:16 - 4.16.1 Pr. 2 Pr. 2:5 - 3.1.17 Pr. 3 Pr. 3:6 - 3.3.4 Pr. 3:13 - 3.18.11 Pr. 3:14 - 3.18.11 Pr. 3:15 - 3.18.11 Pr. 3:16 ...

Matthew 27:34

Matthew 27:34 They gave him vinegar to drink It was a custom with the Jews F15 when ``a man went out to be executed, to give him to drink a grain ...


\\INTRODUCTION TO ECCLESIASTES, OR THE PREACHER\\ This book has been universally received into the canon of the Scriptures, by Jews and Christians. T...

A Puritan Catechism

Compiled by C. H. SpurgeonI am persuaded that the use of a good Catechism in all our families will be a great safeguard against the increasing errors ...