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Found 128 Results for worship
Too Good to be True

Sometimes the resurrection seems to good to be true, but this Easter sermon challenges us to be the living proof. The world needs an appearance of Jesus and a word from Him. Will it come from you and...

Using Humor in the Pulpit

It is not necessary, on a Sunday morning, to become a comedian for Christ. Yet neither is there a scriptural reference that claims blessed are the bored....

Finding the Timeless Truth

Somewhere in the process of sermonizing the preacher must turn up the heat on the passage and himself and discover the timeless, universal truth that remains...

Preaching Through Landmines

Through his pastoral service at First Baptist Church, in Atlanta, his In Touch TV and radio ministry and his many books, Charles Stanley has become one of the nation’s best known preachers. Preaching ...

Preaching God’s Grace: An Interview with Tullian Tchividjian

Sometimes God takes us out of comfort zones and allows us to be sifted because He loves us....

An Interview with Max Lucado: Preaching John 3:16

his newest book, 3:16, Lucado explores that great passage we know as John 3:16. He recently visited with Preaching editor Michael Duduit about the sermon series that led to the book, then discussed hi...