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Found 207 Results for country
What Kind of Authority Does Jesus Show in Matthew’s Gospel?

Ed Jarrett

Jesus demonstrated his authority in many ways: over the Scripture; in forgiving sin; in healing and casting out demons; and over the creation. We might be led to believe that the exercise of authority...

What Is Shalom's Meaning in the Bible?

Britt Mooney

Peace is a running theme throughout the whole of scripture, usually using the Hebrew word shalom. Scripture, however, doesn’t throw the word around as a nice gesture. It has a deep meaning which could...

How Much Do We Know about Matthew the Disciple?

Mike Leake

What do the religious leaders say to someone like Matthew? They tell him to repent. Change your life. Quit your job. Stop being such a lying, thieving, cheat. And then maybe God will have something to...

Why Is Seventy Times Seven Still so Radical Today?

Connor Salter

Here is a look at what seventy times seven mean, and how it fits into the Bible’s teachings about sin, repentance, forgiveness, and rebuke....

Mark: from Young Follower to Church Father

Ed Jarrett

While Mark likely never traveled with Jesus, he clearly was familiar with him. It is likely that Jesus visited his home while in Jerusalem. And it is certain that the early church used his home as a m...

What Should Christians Know about the Locusts in Revelation?

Britt Mooney

What should we know about the locusts in Revelation?...

5 Bible Characters We Can Identify With

Linda Gilden

William says, "I can identify with Peter because I, too, love to fish. His emotions often got the best of him. But when he decided to get something done, he got it done. He loved Jesus with all his he...

How Does the Book of Ecclesiastes Point Us to Christ?

Mike Leake

The “Preacher” attempts to search everything “under the sun” to find meaning. It all turns up empty. Vanity of vanities, he concludes. And that is really the sad message of Ecclesiastes — nothing unde...

20 Thanksgiving Hymns to Celebrate Gratitude

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

Thanksgiving is not just a time for some great food and family time. It's also a time to remember our blessings and have fellowship with other believers. These Thanksgiving hymns remind us how to give...

Naomi: A Life That Went from Bitter to Blessed

Mike Leake

If Naomi had held the pen by which her story would be written, it would have ended as a tragedy. She believed that her life was over. All her decisions, or more so her husband’s decisions, led them to...

What Does Jeroboam Teach Us about Success in the Bible?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

When you ask the question who is Jeroboam in the Bible, the first question you must ask is which one? In the history of the kings of Israel in the Old Testament, you will find two kings who were named...

10 Warning Signs That You Are in Unhealthy Church

Emma Danzey

Do not leave a church immediately but proceed with caution as you see if the church gets back on track, or if not, then begin to search elsewhere. In order for us to be healthy and growing believers, ...

What Is the Importance of Israel?

Candice Lucey

All who believe in Jesus for salvation are beloved by the Lord. We will reap the fruit of God’s promises to Israel, and we can have confidence in God because he has always been faithful to his people....

Where Was Jesus Born? - 5 Things to Know about Bethlehem

Andreas Köstenberger | Jimmy Roh

The Bible tells us that Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem, which is just south of Jerusalem. It's a fact that most Christians and many non-Christians know, due to its inclusion in several popula...

5 Ways God Loves a Prodigal

Matt Carter

The good news of the parable of the prodigal son overwhelms us with the truth that, more than anything—including His hatred of our sin—our God loves us unconditionally. If you’re a wandering prodigal ...

4 Signs It Is Time to Leave a Church

Michael Jakes

The church is the body of Christ, a gift from the Father for us to grow in community, and grow closer to Him. But churches are filled with sinful human beings, ourselves included! When problems arise,...

What Is the Purpose of Baptism for Christians?

Rev. Kyle Norman

Baptism is not an end; it is a beginning. One is baptized into a new life, as a sign of one’s new creation by the Spirit of Jesus, embodied within the context of a new community. In this way, despite ...

10 Things to Know about the First Book of the New Testament

Aaron Brown

There’s plenty to learn about Jesus throughout Scripture, but the New Testament provides a more focused view. That’s why our first in-depth picture comes in the first book of the New Testament, the Bo...

How Can I Trust a God Who Is Allowing Coronavirus?

Anne Peterson

We have this wonderful love letter full of promises from God. We can saturate ourselves with Biblical truths and realize we have victory, even when battling a global pandemic....

When Should Christians Seek Divorce?

Jessica Brodie

Clearly, divorce is not God’s preference or something he likes, but rather something he permitted as a way to provide for his people who were suffering....