Search Results for heb 11-13

Found 164 Results for heb 11-13
Sermon 33

Sermon 33. THE NATURE AND BLESSEDNESS OF SONSHIP WITH GOD. -. John in. 1, 2.?-Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we ...

Sexuality, Human

Sexuality, Human Foundations This essay is based on the following premises: (1) Those functions founded in the unfallen created order that God proclai...

Chapter IV--The Works of God, or the Execution of the Decrees

CHAPTER IV. THE WORKS OF GOD; OR THE EXECUTION OF THE DECREES. SECTION I.?CREATION. I. Definition Op Creation. By creation we mean that free act ...

M. Renan's Theory of the Epistle to the Romans

TN the introduction to his recent volume on St Paul, M. Renan -*- has offered a novel theory to account for certain phenomena connected with the Epis...

Matthew 6

Chapter?6Christ having, in the former chapter, armed his disciples against the corrupt doctrines and opinions of the scribes and Pharisees, especially...

1 Kings 18

Chapter 18We left the prophet Elijah wrapt up in obscurity. It does not appear that either the increase of the provision or the raising of the child h...

Ruth 1

Chapter?1In this chapter we have Naomi?s afflictions. I. As a distressed housekeeper, forced by famine to remove into the land of Moab (v.?1, v.?2). I...

Romans 1

Chapter?1In this chapter we may observe, I. The preface and introduction to the whole epistle, to v.?16. II. A description of the deplorable condition...

Daniel 4

Chapter?4The penman of this chapter is Nebuchadnezzar himself: the story here recorded concerning him is given us in his own words, as he himself drew...

Chapter III--Sin, or Man's State of Apostasy

CHAPTER III. SIN, OR MAN'S STATE OF APOSTASY. SECTION I.?THE LAW OP GOD. As preliminary to a treatment of man's state of apostasy, it becomes neces...

Chapter II

38 VOYAGE TO ALEXANDRIA?COAST OF GREECE. and during the rest of the day we saw nothing but fields of level water. At evening, the few clouds on the ...

Chapter I

BIBLIOLOGY. CHAPTER I. REVELATION AND INSPIRATION. Augustine: City of God, XV.-XVIII. Calvin: Institutes, I. viiix. Gerhard: Loci (De Inspiratione)...

Chapter 20

CHAPTER 20. OF PRAYER--A PERPETUAL EXERCISE OF FAITH. THE DAILY BENEFITS DERIVED FROM IT. The principal divisions of this chapter are,--I. Connection...

Matthew 16

Chapter?16None of Christ?s miracles are recorded in this chapter, but four of his discourses. Here is, I. A conference with the Pharisees, who challen...

Matthew 28

Chapter?28In the foregoing chapters, we saw the Captain of our salvation engaged with the powers of darkness, attacked by them, and vigorously attacki...

Luke 22

Chapter?22All the evangelists, whatever they omit, give us a particular account of the death and resurrection of Christ, because he died for our sins ...

Homily XVI.

Homily XVI.Homily XVI. ROM. IX. 1.-I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost.Did I not seem yester...

John 11

Chapter?11In this chapter we have the history of that illustrious miracle which Christ wrought a little before his death?the raising of Lazarus to lif...

Acts 8

Chapter?8In this chapter we have an account of the persecutions of the Christians, and the propagating of Christianity thereby. It was strange, but ve...

John 3

Chapter?3In this chapter we have, I. Christ?s discourse with Nicodemus, a Pharisee, concerning the great mysteries of the gospel, in which he here pri...