Search Results for one of you is a devil

Found 2254 Results for one of you is a devil
Christ and the Two Thieves


Are You Forgiven?

Are You Forgiven? YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN YOU. 1 John ii. 12. Reader,? Do you see the question which stands at the head of this page ? It is just p...

Book III.

Book III.Book III. The two first books formed a complete whole, but it was intimated that there might be more to come when Jerome should have received...

Shall You Be Saved?

% Are there few that be saved??Luke Xiii. 23. ? Reader, I do not know into whose hands this tract may fall. But I know there is no living soul ...

Psalm 18:25

?EXPOSITIONVerse 25. The dealings of the Lord in his own case, cause the grateful singer to remember the usual rule of God's moral government; he is j...

Sermon 51

Sermon 51. THE WAYS OF SIN HARD AND DIFFICULT. Acts iv. 6. It if hard for thee to kick against the pricks. YOU often hear of the narrow and rugge...

Letter II. A Letter of Sulpitius Severus to His Sister Claudia Concerning Virginity.

Letter II. A Letter of Sulpitius Severus to His Sister Claudia Concerning Virginity.Letter II. A Letter of Sulpitius Severus to His Sister Claudia Con...

Book VII.

Book VII.Page BORDER=0Book VII. Chapter I. As he is going to reply to the slanders of his opponents he implores the aid of Divine graceto teach a pray...

Homily XLI.

Homily XLI.Homily XLI.Matthew Chapter 12, Verse 25 And Matthew Chapter 12, Verse 26 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom d...


INTEMPERANCE. Cast Out But Rescued. I met a man in New York who was an earnest worker, and I asked him to tell me his experience. He said he had bee...

Oration XL.

Oration XL.Oration XL.The Oration on Holy Baptism. Preached at Constantinople Jan. 6, 381, being the day following the delivery of that on the Holy Li...

Epistle XIX.

Epistle XIX. Epistle XIX.(1) Cyprian Replies to Caldonius. Argument.-Cyprian Treats of Nothing Peculiar in This Epistle, Beyond Acquiescing in the Opi...

Homily VIII.

Homily VIII.Homily VIII. 1 Thessalonians iv. 15-17.-For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we that are alive, that are left unto the c...

Psalm 25:19

?EXPOSITIONVerse 19. Consider mine enemies. Watch them, weigh them, check them, defeat them. For they are many. They need the eyes of Argus to watch t...

Homily VII.

Homily VII.Homily VII. Colossians ii. 16-19.-Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a feast day, or a new moon, or a sa...

Homily VII.

Homily VII.Homily VII. ACTS II. 37.-Now when they heard these words (E. V. `this,') they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the r...

Luke 4

1. And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. [Was led by the Spirit.] In St. Matthe...

Homily IV.

Homily IV.Homily IV. ROM. I. 26, 27.-For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that w...

"Be Zealous"

There is a subject before your eyes of vast importance. I mean the subject of religious zeal. It is a subject like many others in religion, most sad...

Life Words Part 3

Decide For Christ. How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow Him, but if Baal then follow him. Alas! it is now as it was th...