Search Results for psalm 144

Found 201 Results for psalm 144
Book XVI

Book XVIBook XVI------------Argument-In the former part of this book, from the first to the twelfth chapter, the progress of the two cities, the earth...

Dialogue II.-The Unconfounded.

Dialogue II.-The Unconfounded.Dialogue II.-The Unconfounded.Eranistes and Orthodoxus.Eran.-I am come as I promised. 'Tis yours to adopt one of two alt...

Walt Whitman

WALT WHITMAN Man might live at first The animal life: but is there nothing more? In due time, let him critically learn How he lives; and, the more h...


NOTES NOTES TO LECTURE I THE CESSATION OF THE CHARISMATA 1. W. Yorke Fausset, for example, unduly restricts the number of our Lord's miracles, spe...

Chapter IV--The Works of God, or the Execution of the Decrees

CHAPTER IV. THE WORKS OF GOD; OR THE EXECUTION OF THE DECREES. SECTION I.?CREATION. I. Definition Op Creation. By creation we mean that free act ...

Book V.

Book V.Book V. Contents.The following are the contents of the fifth book of the Refutation of all Heresies:(1) -What the assertions are of the Naassen...

On Nature and Grace, Against Pelagius

On Nature and Grace, Against PelagiusOn Nature and Grace, Against PelagiusContained in One Book, Addressed to Timasius and Jacobus. Written in the Yea...

Book III.

Book III.Book III. Chapter I. Statement of the reasons wherefore the matters, treated of shortly in the two former, are dealt with more at length in t...

Book XIV.

Book XIV.Book XIV. 1. The Power of Harmony in Relation to Prayer.Again I say unto you that if two of you shall agree(1) on earth as touching anything ...

Book VI.

Book VI.Book VI.In which is considered the council, of Carthage, held under the authority and presidency of Cyprian, to determine the question of the ...

Book II.

Book II.Book II. Chapter I.-On Eating.Keeping, then, to our aim, and selecting the Scriptures which bear on the usefulness of training for life, we mu...

Book X.

Book X.Book X.------------Having manifested what he was and what he is, he shows the great fruit of his confession; and being about to examine by what...


ProlegomenaProlegomena------------The Life and Writings of the Blessed Theodoretus, Bishop of Cyrus.I.-Parentage, Birth, and Education.At Antiochat th...

The Prescription Against Heretics.

The Prescription Against Heretics. The Prescription Against Heretics.(1) [Translated by the Rev. Peter Holmes, D.D., F.r.a.s., Etc., Etc.]-------- Cha...

Book II.

Book II.Book II. Chapter I.Introduction containing the Reason for the Author's Revision of his First and Second Books.Rufinus, who wrote an Ecclesiast...

Book VII.

Book VII.Book VII. Chapter I.In the six former books we have endeavoured, reverend brother Ambrosius, according to our ability to meet the charges bro...

Book I.

Book I.Book I.Jovinianus, concerning whom we know little more than is to be found in the two following books, had published at Rome a Latin treatise c...

Enchiridion to Laurentius on Faith, Hope, and Charity

S. AUGUSTINE ENCHIRIDION TO LAURENTIUS ON FAITH, HOPE, AND CHARITY. St. Augustine enumerates the Enchiridion addressed to Laurentins amongst his l...

A Commentary on the Apostles' Creed.

A Commentary on the Apostles' Creed.A Commentary on the Apostles' Creed. This exposition of the Creed was made at the request of Laurentius, a Bishop ...

Book VI.

Book VI.Book VI. Contents.The following are the contents of the sixth book of the Refutation of all Heresies:-What the opinions are that are attempted...