Search Results for lu 8

Found 658 Results for lu 8
Luke 13

13:1? Now there were some present at that very season1 who told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices2.REPENTANC...

Deuteronomy 25

Chapter?25Here is, I. A law to moderate the scourging of malefactors (v.?1-3). II. A law in favour of the ox that treads out the corn (v.?4). III. For...

Psalms 16

Chapter?16This psalm has something of David in it, but much more of Christ. It begins with such expressions of devotion as may be applied to Christ; b...

Psalms 110

Chapter?110This psalm is pure gospel; it is only, and wholly, concerning Christ, the Messiah promised to the fathers and expected by them. It is plain...

Psalms 138

Chapter?138It does not appear, nor is it material to enquire, upon what occasion David penned this psalm; but in it, I. He looks back with thankfulnes...

Psalms 21

Chapter?21As the foregoing psalm was a prayer for the king that God would protect and prosper him, so this is a thanksgiving for the success God had b...

Romans 10

Chapter?10The dissolving of the peculiar church-state of the Jews, and the rejection of that polity by the repealing of their ceremonial law, the vaca...

Job 24

Chapter?24Job having by his complaints in the foregoing chapter given vent to his passion, and thereby gained some ease, breaks them off abruptly, and...

Psalms 38

Chapter?38This is one of the penitential psalms; it is full of grief and complaint from the beginning to the end. David?s sins and his afflictions are...


JAMES jamz (Iacobos): English form of Jacob, and the name of 3 New Testament men of note: (1) The Son of Zebedee, one of the Twelve Apostles (ho tou...

Leviticus 27

Chapter?27The last verse of the foregoing chapter seemed to close up the statute-book; yet this chapter is added as an appendix. Having given laws con...

1 Chronicles 28

Chapter?28The account we have of David?s exit, in the beginning of the first book of Kings, does not make his sun nearly so bright as that given in th...

Song of Solomon 2

Chapter?2In this chapter, I. Christ speaks both concerning himself and concerning his church (v.?1, v.?2). II. The church speaks 1. Remembering the pl...

Leviticus 10

Chapter?10The story of this chapter is as sad an interruption to the institutions of the levitical law as that of the golden calf was to the account o...

Bible, The, Iv Canonicity

BIBLE, THE, IV CANONICITY $ IV. Literary Growth and Origin--Canonicity.$ Thus far the books of the Old Testament and New Testament have been taken si...

Isaiah 52

Chapter?52The greater part of this chapter is on the same subject with the chapter before, concerning the deliverance of the Jews out of Babylon, whic...

Job 27

Chapter?27Job had sometimes complained of his friends that they were so eager in disputing that they would scarcely let him put in a word: Suffer me t...

Matthew 18

Chapter?18The gospels are, in short, a record of what Jesus began both to do and to teach. In the foregoing chapter, we had an account of his doings, ...

Psalm 69:4

?EXPOSITIONVerse 4. They that hate me. Surprising sin that men should hate the altogether lovely one, truly is it added, without a cause, for reason ...


BEATITUDES be-at'-i-tudes: 1. The Name: The word beatitude is not found in the English Bible, but the Latin beatitudo, from which it is derived, oc...