Search Results for behold king sion

Found 158 Results for behold king sion

DisallowedRejected.Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth...

Romans 9:33

Overview - Romans 9 1?Paul is sorry for the Jews. 7?All of Abraham not of the promise. 18?God's sovereignty. 25?The calling of the Gentiles and rejec...

Revelation 14:14

Overview - Revelation 14 1?The Lamb standing on mount Sion with his company. 6?An angel preaches the gospel. 8?The fall of Babylon. 15?The harvest o...

John 12:15

Overview - John 12 1?Jesus excuses Mary anointing his feet. 9?The people flock to see Lazarus. 10?The chief priests consult to kill him. 12?Christ ri...

1 Peter 2:6

Overview - 1?Peter 2 1?He exhorts them from the breach of charity; 4?shewing that Christ is the foundation whereupon they are built. 11?He beseeches ...

Matthew 21:5

Overview - Matthew 21 1?Christ rides into Jerusalem upon an ass; 12?drives the buyers and sellers out of the temple; 17?curses the fig-tree; 23?puts t...

1 Peter 2:6

1 Peter 2:6 Wherefore also it is contained in the Scripture ( Isaiah 28:16 ) . This is produced as a proof of the excellency of Christ, as compared to...


Psalm CXXXVII. Psalm CXXXVII. 1. ...But to-day we have sung, By the waters of Babylon we sat down and wept, when we remembered Sion (ver. 1). ...2. Ob...

Psalm 87:4

?EXPOSITION Verse 4. I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me. This shall be a glorious subject to speak of concerning Zion, that...


Psalm XLVIII. Psalm XLVIII. 1. The title of this Psalm is, A song of praise, to the sons of Korah, on the second day of the week. Concerning this what...

Sermon CXIV

SERMONS. SERMON CXIV. PREACHED AT DENMARK HOUSE, Some Few Days Before The Body Of Kino James Was Removed From Thence, To His Burial, April 26, 16...


Psalm LXXXVII. Psalm LXXXVII. 1. The Psalm which has just been sung is short, if we look to the number of its words, but of deep interest in its thoug...


THE FIFTH WARNING. Chap. xii. 14-29. Against the Rejection of God's Son. CXVlI. FOLLOW AFTER SANCTIFICATION. XH.?14. Follow after peace with all...

Matthew 21

Chapter 2121:1 And 1 when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives, then sent Jesus two disciples, (1) Chri...

Psalm XCIX.

Psalm XCIX. Psalm XCIX. 1. Beloved brethren, it ought already to be known to you, as sons of the Church, and well instructed in the school of Christ t...

Revelation 14

Chapter 1414:1? And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name writt...

Deuteronomy 3

CHAPTER 3 Deuteronomy 3:1-20 . CONQUEST OF OG, KING OF BASHAN. 1. we turned, and went up the way to Bashan--Bashan (fruitful or flat), now El...

Psalm LI.

Psalm LI. Psalm LI. 1. Neither must this multitude's throng be defrauded, nor their infirmity burthened. Silence we ask, and quiet, in order that our ...

Psalm LXXVI.

Psalm LXXVI. Psalm LXXVI. 1. The Jews are wont to glory in this Psalm which we have sung, saying, Known in Judae a is God, in Israel great is the name...

Lecture XII.

Lecture XII. Lecture XII. On the Words Incarnate, and Made Man. Isaiah VII 10-14.And the Lord spoke again unto Ahaz, saying, Ask thee a sign, &c.: and...