Search Results for curse*

Found 22 Results for curse*
Character Studies

The words that house speaker, Jim Wright, quoted upon his resignation, really hit home: Horace Greeley had a quote that Harry Truman used to like: "Fame is a vapor, popularity an accident, riches take...

Lost Opportunity

Opportunities Missed (or The Curse of Permanent Potential) There was a very cautious man Who never laughed or played He never risked, he never tried He never sang or prayed And when he one day passed...


Everything Midas touched turned to gold. He thought it was a blessing. He found it to be a curse. His food turned to gold. His child turned to gold. When we give, we see the reverse of the Midas touch...


According to legend everything King Midas touched turned to gold. He thought it was a blessing. He found it to be a curse. His food turned to gold. His child turned to gold. When we give, we see the r...

Forgetting The Past

In Greek mythology the Underworld ruled by Hades (Romans called him Pluto) was a dark and gloomy place. Mighty rivers ran through it. One was called the Lethe. Whoever drank from that river forgot the...

Illustration: Teamwork, Overenthusiasm

Sometimes parents need more coaching than their child athletes....

The Tongue

There is an ancient fable about a monster known as Proteus who had the power of assuming many shapes and appearances. He could become a tree or a pebble, a lion or a dove, a serpent or a lamb. He seem...

Self Control, Parents

At one point during a game, the coach said to one of his young players, "Do you understand what cooperation is and what a teamwork is all about?" The little boy nodded....

Illustration: Strength, Providence

What first appears to be a curse God can turn into a manifold blessing....

The Gospel in an Abortion Culture

Russell Moore

What we often forget is the second casualty of an abortion culture: the consciences of countless men and women....

Minister of the Word

The preacher gives a human voice to the divine word so that others will hear from God. ...

Preaching the Psalms as Stories

I had an epiphany while listening to Johnny Cash that transformed the way I preached the Psalms. ...