After the 1988 Winter Olympics, a television show featured a group of blind skiers being trained for slalom skiing. Paired with sighted skiers, the blind skiers were taught on the flats how to make ri...
Edison's Light On October 18, 1879, a young inventor by the name of Thomas A. Edison sat in his laboratory. He was weary from 13 months of repeated failure in his search for a filament that would stan...
How do you react when dealt crushing blows? When that happens, do you perceive God still is on His throne?...
In his Turning Point Daily Devotional for March 9, David Jeremiah says: “Clayton Christensen is a professor at Harvard Business School and is well-known for articulating his theory of disruptive techn...
Jared C. Wilson
“We believe” the creed has us say, and this belief begins where the gospel story and our worship ought to begin, with the one who has no beginning (or end): God himself. ...
What do you do when your fears seem to be winning the day? What if you pray and God still hasn’t come through for you? If you are like most people, you begin to lose hope, and you wonder why you bothe...
Many Christian women today view the sermon—the proclamation of the gospel—as the centerpiece of the worship experience. They yearn for the serious pastor to stand with integrity in the pulpit, open hi...
The demise of the book has been predicted for years now – its doom supposedly inevitable after the advent of the digital age. Well, someone forgot to tell the reading public in general, and prea...
The pathway to being lost in the middle of your own ministry story is a road that has been traveled by many. Inspecting their journey can help you understand yours....