Search Results for god man creeping

Found 9 Results for god man creeping
What Does the Bible Tell Us about the Imago Dei?

Rylie Fine

Imago Dei may be an obscure phrase, but it captures one of the Bible's crucial teachings about humanity's status, identity and value....

What Is a Leviathan Spirit and How Can You Identify It?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

Much of what we know about the characteristics of a leviathan spirit come from theologians and biblical scholars. More than likely this type of spirit is linked to a principality. ...

Why Did God Say “Let Us Make Mankind in Our Image”?

Lisa Loraine Baker

This verse is a pause in the creation process as God explains what He is going to do next — and why. God created the human race in His image and likeness using the pronouns “Us” and “Our” and that man...

Why Should Christians Know What the Adamic Covenant Is Today?

Lisa Loraine Baker

We see the word covenant in many church names, but what is a covenant? What does it mean when theologians say an Adamic covenant goes back to the Garden of Eden?...

How Can Parents Effectively Explain the Gospel to Their Kids?

Sheila Alewine

As parents, we must have a firm grip on the gospel ourselves, and be committed to teaching it, speaking of it, and illustrating it in our daily lives, so that our children will not only hear it, but s...

What Is a Revival?

Jessica Brodie

Put simply, a revival is typically a gathering of Christians that reflects an urgent and bold spiritual awakening, where hearts and lives are transformed and people commit themselves anew to following...

5 Red Flags of Potential Wolves in the Church

Emma Danzey

Some of the greatest wolves of all times have been some of the most influential and great speakers. They are polished, attractive, and great at winning the hearts of audiences. Not only this, but wolv...

Was Jonah Really Swallowed by a Fish?

Bethany Verrett

When analyzing a story with about something as difficult to believe as Jonah being swallowed by a whale, it is important to remember that, while the Bible does have parables and metaphors in it, it is...

What Does the Bible Say about Emotions?

Blair Parke

Emotions: they are what can trigger us to get mad at an instant, cry at the drop of a hat, fester unforgiveness in one’s heart, and drive us to succeed at all costs in life. It’s not f...