Search Results for heb 2:9

Found 5 Results for heb 2:9
10 Powerful Principles to Endure Suffering

Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Suffering will indeed come, but God can give us grace and power to overcome every trial and to fulfill our purpose and mission in His kingdom. In his second epistle to Timothy, the Apostle Paul shares...

Is the Whole Bible about Jesus?

Ed Jarrett

So, is the whole Bible about Jesus? The answer to that depends on the level you are viewing it from. At a high level, I believe that the whole story arc is about Jesus and what he came to do. But at a...

God Became One of Us

Part of what it means to be a Christian is to believe the unbelievable: that the historical human person, Jesus, who was born in a stable in a backwater village outside of Jerusalem some two thousand ...

What Does God Look Like?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

What does God look like? Perhaps, following the psalmist, we turn to poetry and hymnody to answer. When you know your sins are forgiven, and the God of all Creation is your own Father, God looks like ...

What Does it Mean to Be a ‘Living Sacrifice’ and How Do I Be One?

Rylie Fine

One of his puzzling phrases is found in Romans 12:1 where he says, “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice….” What is a livi...