Search Results for prosperity

Found 72 Results for prosperity
6 Ways to Pray for Peace in Jerusalem and Israel

Mike Nappa

A prayer for the peace of Jerusalem includes security from outside attackers, unity, and harmony among residents, familial wholeness, economic and political prosperity—and perhaps most important of al...

The Gospel in Amos

How can we as God’s people today benefit from Amos? What is it that God has to say to us today through this Minor Prophet?...

What Is the Prayer of Jabez?

Meg Bucher

Jabez isn’t like us. He doesn’t live amid our modern materialism. And his prayer can’t be directly applied to us without seeing how it relates to his own situation first and then to Jesus Christ....

5 Prayers for Happiness

Bethany Verrett

Happiness can be a complicated emotion in the Christian community. Some people sell happiness as the end goal of the faith with prosperity gospel messaging; earthly happiness is available to those wit...

The Problem with False Prophets, Then and Now

Hope Bolinger

Ancient Israel around the early 600s/late 500s BC was getting a lot of bad news from prophets like Jeremiah and Ezekiel. They didn't like what they were hearing. So instead of heeding the prophets' wa...

How to Know What the Bible Really Says about Abortion

Rhonda Stoppe

While abortion is not specifically mentioned in Scripture, we can glean insights from God’s response toward a culture who regularly practiced the killing of babies. The Lord was particularly i...

10 Cautions for Christians Who Download Sermon Podcasts

Rhonda Stoppe

“I really like listening to her podcasts. I don’t know what it is, but when she talks she really makes me feel better about life,” Kara shared in her social media comment. Kara went on to encourage ...

Is Hell a Real Place?

Hope Bolinger

In 2014, a Pew Research Center poll found that twenty-nine percent of Catholics, eleven percent of Evangelical protestants, and 40 percent of mainline Protestants said they didn’t believe in the exist...

Why Does the Lord “Bless the Righteous” According to Psalm 5:12?

Jessica Brodie

It’s important to understand that blessings, that God’s favor, isn’t the shallow, superficial understanding many of us have of prosperity — things like money in the bank and a great marriage or career...

How to Keep Pushing through to Your Promised Land

Frank Santora

Sometimes it’s a very long journey from “Egypt” to the “Promised Land” in our lives. After the excitement of deliverance from bondage to Pharoah, we set off into the wilderness, thinking it’s only an ...

6 Major Differences Between Christianity and the American Dream

Felicia Alvarez

It smelled. Bad—really bad. In fact, I thought I was going to be sick. But the kids of this neighborhood in Mexico didn’t seem to notice the stench surrounding them. They held our hands as we climbed ...

What Is the Horn of Salvation in the Bible?

Lianna Davis

When the Bible mentions God's horn of salvation, it means that He is not just our provider, but our defender. So what does this symbol tell us about God defending us?...

Encouraging Reminders for Those Facing Financial Difficulties

Mike Leake

A majority of people are going through financial difficulties now. Believers in Jesus are not immune — as the decreased giving to local churches shows. Individual believers and our communities of fait...

Does Jeremiah 29:11 Mean That God Won’t Let Bad Things Happen to Me?

Jolene Underwood

God knew the plan he had for Jeremiah, and it included challenging work in the face of opposition. God reassured Jeremiah of his presence with him and that he didn’t have to be afraid. Deliverance wou...

What Is Postmillenialism?

Postmillenialism is one of the three major views of Bible prophecy, but what exactly does it mean? ...

And Be Thankful: A Thanksgiving Meditation

What does God think of our thanksgiving?...

Should Christians Argue about Whether the Millennium Is Literal or Figurative?

Britt Mooney

Can we say for sure whether the millennium is literal or figurative?...

What Does the Bible Say about Molech?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

Molech is one of the most frequently-mentioned pagan deities in the Old Testament, with a strange, dark history that we need to be aware of today. Here's what the Bible tells us about this pagan deity...

What Is Shalom's Meaning in the Bible?

Britt Mooney

Peace is a running theme throughout the whole of scripture, usually using the Hebrew word shalom. Scripture, however, doesn’t throw the word around as a nice gesture. It has a deep meaning which could...