Search Results for romans 7:24

Found 14 Results for romans 7:24
God Saves Us from the Penalty and Power of Sin

I want to introduce you to three characters to help you understand how God saves us from the penalty and the power of sin. Which one do you identify with most?...

From Glory to Glory

Perfection is the goal of God’s sanctifying work in us. He’s not merely making us better than we are; he is conforming us to the image of his Son....

What Are the 2 Crucial Messages of the Book of Romans?

Michael Jakes

At the very heart of the book of Romans are the great doctrines of justification and sanctification; together, they form the core of the gospel, and Paul is careful to distinguish between the two. ...

What Does the Bible Say about Judging Others?

Feeling the eyes of judgement makes most people squirm. And yet, in our sinful minds it's so easy to jump to conclusions about people and sling words of judgement without a second thought. But what d...

What Does "Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged" Mean in the Bible?

Debbie Wilson

To judge means: to separate, to pick out, select, choose. By implication, it means to condemn, punish—avenge, conclude. It also carries the idea of having discernment. The passage where Jesus said, “D...

What Exactly Is Sin?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

When you think about what sin is, you must recognize that sin looks to dominate a person’s life. Sin doesn’t come in to be nice, sin comes in to take control. Sin is a relentless master that looks to ...

Why We Should Heed the Warning of 'Woe to Those Who Call Evil Good'?

Tessa Emily Hall

So how can we keep our principles and values from slowly morphing into that of the world’s? And what did the prophet mean in Isaiah 5:20 when he wrote “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil”?...

What Is the Significance of a Plumb Line in the Bible?

Greg Grandchamp

Even today, the plumb line of God’s law serves as a guideline for those saved by grace through faith. Jesus quite specifically taught that he had not come to abolish the Law, but rather to fulfill it....

Who Wrote Amazing Grace?

Pamela Palmer

John Newton’s story is one of profound transformation and deliverance. It is clear that his radical change resulted in the formation of this hymn. Its words are very relatable for many believers who k...

What Is the Right Way to Pass Judgement?

Christine Carter

Christians are sometimes stereotyped as stodgy and too judgmental in the eyes of the world. The phrase "judge not" or "only God can judge me" have become so commonplace, we often wonder how much Bibli...

What Does it Mean that "God So Loved the World" in John 3:16?

Jennifer Slattery

Jesus came so that, though we were guilty and tarnished by sin, we could receive forgiveness and pardon for all we’d done or will do. Because of Jesus, we can have peace with God the Father, be ...

Can You Take the Plank Out of Your Eye and Remove the Speck from Your Brother’s Eye?

Joel Ryan

Just how do you take the plank out of your eye and remove the speck from your brother’s eye? Fortunately, Jesus makes it clear how we should apply this teaching....