Search Results for mark

Found 90 Results for mark
Conversion Testimony

We have traditionally marked our calendars, BC and AD. This is a tribute to the effect Jesus has on history. We can mark the difference between the time "before Christ," and "the year of our Lord,"...


We have traditionally marked our calendars, BC and AD. This is a tribute to the effect Jesus has on history....


Recent surveys suggest that most people who favor abortion have already been born!-Mark Russell  ...


Mark Twain compared himself favorably to George Washington. He noted that he had a higher standard than the first President. George Washington could not tell a lie. Twain said that he could tell a lie...

Man's Anger

Thomas Jefferson said "When angry, count to 10; when very angry count to 100." Mark Twain changed it and said, "When angry, count to 4; when very angry, swear." -Sermons Illustrated July/Augus...


The “Chicken Soup For The Soul" series has been an unqualified success. It has generated over eighty best-sellers. The first book alone sold eight million copies. The “chicken soup" trademark has b...


Mark Twain compared himself favorably to George Washington. He noted that he had a higher standard than the first President. George Washington could not tell a lie. Twain said the he could tel...

Parental Weakness

When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years....


A young preacher and an older preacher go to breakfast with an 89-year-old long-time member. The young whippersnapper finally says "89? Wow. I don't know if I want to live to be 89!" The old man immed...

Illustration: Love

In The Book of Babel by Mark Abley, the author says there are 6,000 languages spoken in the world today, but half of them are unlikely to survive into the next century. ...


Mark Tonra's "James" in the comic strip asked his mother, "How'd you learn to be a Mom?" She replied, "I didn't." Not satisfied, James said, "Seriously." His mother said, "Seriously, I'm just winging ...


In Elysa Gardner's USA Today tribute to Richard Rogers, she tells a story that gives us a clue to his extraordinary success in musical theater. She relates comments made by Rogers' eldest daughter Mar...


During World War II one of the churches that was destroyed was St. Mark’s in Frankfort, Germany. When the roof collapsed a statue of Christ was buried in the ruins. After the war, people were cl...


You got it from your father; it was all he had to give. So it's yours to use and cherish, for as long as you may live. If you lose the watch he gave you, it can always be replaced, But a black mark on...


In one of their books, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen retell an ancient story. There was a thief in ancient times who stole a magnificent coat. It was made of the finest of materials and had but...


Salt seems a simple substance, but you may be surprised by some of the facts found in Salt: A World History, by Mark Kurlansky. For instance, salt is present throughout the human body and is needed...

Illustration: Scripture, Illumination

In his book Primal, Mark Batterson shares this story: “In 1801, Sir David Brewster was awarded an honorary master of arts degree from the University of Edinburgh and was ordained to preach. His first ...


For a long time the center of Christianity in Europe was not Rome but Constantinople. In the Imperial Palace they placed a throne; a throne on which no one ever sat. On that empty throne they put a co...


In one of their books, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen retell an ancient story. There was a thief in ancient times who stole a magnificent coat. It was made of the finest of materials and had but...

Church Discipline

Mark Earley, the new president of Prison Fellowship, recently wrote: "Why should anyone join a church and then expect to be permitted to flout its authority? After all, for failing to attend enough me...