Search Results for this generation

Found 33 Results for this generation
The Challenges We Face: A New Generation of Gospel Ministers Looks to the Future

Albert Mohler

Will this generation of gospel ministers finish the race? It will require gospel faithfulness at every turn....


The Book of Kells is one of the most beautiful and revered illustrated manuscripts of the scriptures. A beautiful book with text by Ben MackworthPraud tells its remarkable story. The copyists displaye...

Illustration: Easter, Cross

In a church marketing newsletter just a few years ago, a campaign was suggested to attract people to church during the season of Easter. In this public relations campaign, it was suggested the cross b...


Writing in Southern Living magazine Jennifer Greer recounted a visit she made to the old family cemetery in Nelson County, Kentucky. She had talked there with her cousin who cared for the cemetery as ...

Illustration: Power, God’s Provision

Richard Fairchild tells this story of Leslie Weatherhead, a well-known preacher of a previous generation: “Once, when he was a high school student, he had a very difficult examination, but he had disc...

Illustration: Moral Courage, Influence

Character growth depends on one's courage....


In the 12/18/03 issue of Sightings, Andrew Weaver and Christopher G. Ellison report that, "In 1988, only two states had large-scale casino gambling; now 27 states have it. Thirty-seven states operate ...

Of Gnats And Camels

We live in exciting days of evangelistic possibilities. Like never before, people are searching for spiritual answers to meaningful, eternal questions. And though many of these answers are misguide...

Sermon Illustration: Communication

Those who preach and communicate for the cause of Christ always will want to know something about their audience. It is always instructive to learn something about the culture of young adults, a group...

Illustration: Self-Esteem, Therapeutic Culture

There is a distinct and spiritual difference in happiness and joy, as well as how each is pursued....

Culture of Death

Writing in the October 22 edition of The Wall Street Journal, Yale University professor David Gelernter observes that the recent case of Terri Schiavo (the Florida woman whose husband sought to have ...

Illustration: Men, Cultural Change

Men will be boys...long after they should be taking responsibility for their lives and maturing professionally, personally and spiritually....

Only One: Making a Difference for Jesus Christ

One godly man or woman can make a dramatic difference, even in the darkest of circumstances....

Miley Cyrus and the Disappearance of Childhood

Sometimes I think the late Neil Postman is the prophet for out time. After reading about the Miley Cyrus photo fiasco, I am convinced of this. If you have a pre-teen daughter, you know that Miley is t...

How Can I Heal After an Abusive Church Experience?

Joe McKeever

With God's help, you can leave behind the painful memories of difficult church experience....

To Illustrate (July/Aug 2007)

Illustrations from the July/August issue of Preaching Magazine...